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About Kazdum

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  1. ​Hoffman, Try Harder is an international clan, but all three of us founders are Brazilian. You are most welcome to join us, just PM Doberstein, Akanash or LadyAribeth We are also just starting here.
  2. Bump. Clan lv 2 6% exp passive.
  3. ​Haha, cmon now. PK level 20 lowbies? Damn! None taken, mate. Take care
  4. Try Harder is cur.rrently recruiting fresh starting players in the server. Name: Try Harder Alliance: None Recruit: Doberstein Level: 2 Clan Skills: 6% exp What are looking for? - Fresh starting players in the server. - Must be between level 15-35. - English Speaking. - Meet Clan activity time (7PM to 12AM) (GMT -3). - All classes are welcome. Short Term Clan Goals: - Recruit as much active new players as we can. - Raid Bosses. - Party up to grind. Long Term Clan Goals: - Wars (Not with the top dawgs tho :>) - Participation in Siege events. PM Doberstein ingame.
  5. Draqla is on the forums and is not posting anything! STRONK ADMZ
  6. I don't think this server is going live at all...
  7. We will announce a live date "very soon"!
  8. I don't mean to be rude, but this "very soon" is been frustrating on the player base. I mean we could be losing players to this lack of release date.
  9. Kazdum

    Free Level

    Dude, testing is about testing in all levels, not grinding "taking it easy" to farm stuff. This is a beta, not a live server. I dont want to grind to level 60 just to see if my SK skills are correct.
  10. In all honesty, all melee classes are very strong if they have the possibility to spam skills, if they are single target, they can pretty much wack a mob 4x hp. I dont think it would be any different with an warlord AoE. The thing is, classic maintained the "reduced melee skill cooldown" from H5 I belive. Back in old C1-Interlude days, those warlord skills took forever to recharge.