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Everything posted by karlitos

  1. Maybe fight for spots, raids, epics...? Maybe here u dont have to fight for antaras/valakas, but u have to fight for other epics like core/orfen/qa/dv raid... and u think with 1k online server (first week, then it start to go down like every server) and w/o big sides u will be able to kill something of this?. Sorry guys but u are so braindead, im gone with u gl with ur sv
  2. Its true that genocide was one of the best clans in eu, but was carried but few guys/packs like snd, pepsi, slush, xlife, muse, the canadians and maybe some others, the rest of the ppl was totally meatshields im talking about rpg x5, where i was playing in aol, idk in other servers/retail how it was
  3. Convict let the big boys talk please
  4. Tempest? :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDd please dont make me laught, go ask ur friend zlokob what happens every server i meet them (Dex,citadel,l2mid...) Sorry but tempest 2eazy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_GRo-zX6cg not even accept wars, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KU5maC4haS4 our greek drivers destroying tempest :DDDDDD As i said in every topic, doesnt matter cr/rates/files, for have a good server u need strong sides, nobody will join a server w/o reputation, good sides and old projects. btw this servers with mana pots and npc buffer have x10000 more ppl that this server will have
  5. Just a simple question u will allow adrenaline? Now is free and 90% of the ppl will use, there isnt a good anti bot protection that cant stop it. So u will allow it or u will try to find all the ppl that use and ban them?
  6. btw told me in what packs u played the last months/years, im so curious. Maybe u played in some br sv that i dont know.
  7. My party won the last 3 events 9v9 ( More than 40 pts reg), in the last 3 big projects (tales, averia and redemption), if u dont know me, u never played l2 in eu/ru.​ About this clans, they dont care about sv/cr/rates, if u pay them, they will join. btw this is not a private server? :DDDDD I will give u something: http://challonge.com/Lineage2Redemption http://challonge.com/L2Tales4 If u want some videos, join this youtube channels, have videos from the last 3 dex, rpg,tales,averia,redemption,holiday...(Top party in most of the sv): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN78NWGirA5_p3ElfCnVrqw/videos https://www.youtube.com/user/TrueAwesomenesssssss/videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtrxcSDfR96G-_lkEGkeQqA/videos​ How i said, if u want a server with long live u will need to pay sides to join ur server, i dont know a server that open in the last year that have good online and keep alive for some months if they dont pay sides to keep playing. ​
  8. No i dont played prelude, but i when i said strong clan i mean IR,vermilion,ooc (ru side, cause eu side went to play archeage),enemydown,shadowsbad, league,epidemic... U pay some of this sides to join and ur community increse x100, what means more donations, what means u win more money ( what staff want) For the ppl who dont believe this, go ask skype to lomka,safero,sahonya07...(leaders of this sides) to join the server. About who i am, 90% of the ppl that played "l2 competitive" in eu know who i am.
  9. Ok gl guys with ur 1k randoms and hf 1 week, after this 80% of them will leave cause cant farm alone/its so hard for them.
  10. U dont need to invite randoms old friends, u have to talk with leaders of big sides from eu/ru and pay them for join, this is how l2 eu/ru work right now. Tales/ledbin/averia... are paying 200-400 euro per month to every side, if u can support this, in the future if u put good donations u will take it back and increse x100 this money. (If files are good, and w/o problems). This is just an advice, dont think good partys/sides will join a server if u dont pay them or have very good reputation. Just need to check the last dex h5 x5(server with big comunitty and goof reputation), they didnt pay to big sides, they opened a server only with 1 good side and many randoms, server was alive for 1 week.
  11. Top packs in ru classic farming 1-2k euro per month(5k euro firsts months), i think pay 5 euro per month is not a problem
  12. I dont think strong sides/packs will join this server. At this moment 90% of the strong packs are russians, only few groups from eu are good like pvescrubs, showdown and some IL packs. While russians most of them are playing ru classic or mid rates sv like averia/lebdin/tales... (Because staff pay them for play) In 2k15 only strong side will join your server if this have very good reputation like rpg, or if the staff pay money to this sides for join his server. And i dont think in this server will happen something of that. btw eu classic will open in the next months, so other negattive point