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Everything posted by Jamein

  1. My fun in the game comes from PVPing with the clan and talking shit on voice comms/clan chat. Not watching languages I don't understand fly at me from every direction and playing solo. I'll pass on russian servers and just wait for Official Classic EU if it ever comes out.
  2. ​Honestly it's a lose lose situation for the devs, it's the same with companies. You don't state a date, and people get pissy because they have no information. If you do give them a loose ETA, they get pissy if ESTIMATED deadlines are not met. What amazes me is how people get wound up over this on a private server for a game that's ancient, Seriously, is your life so boring that if the server doesn't come up by the end of the month you're going to kill yourself? We all know there are bugs still floating around the server, and we all know these need to get fixed before live. So instead of bitching about a release date either go do something else or go beta test either way seeing multiple topics a day about the server opening is just annoying.
  3. I'm so glad someone else said that because i thought I'd gone fucking nuts I kept saying to myself what the fuck is a griffin I'm sure was a bloody queen but then started to question my own sanity/memory
  4. Back in the day it was 10. You could PK 10 times and not drop items. Everyone did the sin eater quest to reduce your PK count so you could kill people at raid bosses who dropped clan wars. None of this had any effect on if you die to a mob. 1 Pk or 1000 doesn't change the drop rate from dying to a mob unless they added a completely new system in classic.
  5. ​Honestly all it shows is that people think every time they die to a mob they're going to drop their weapon and full armour set when in reality they'll drop 1 thread and 2 bone arrows. Hardly cause for concern and I would rather have the admins fix the actual game breaking bugs and not fuck with the currently working as intended mechanics.
  6. Long story short. You don't ALWAYS drop items when you die to mobs. If you do, it's usually shitty inventory items, and if you're smart you'll run around with a bunch of random crap in your inventory anyway. On the rare occasion you do drop equipped items it'll be boots/jewels or something not too hard to replace. In the entire time I played retail from closed beta, I never dropped a single equipped item to mobs (soulshots was probably the most expensive thing I dropped) and we used to have TH's/PW's training all of AL onto us and my party as we were pretty well geared and they couldn't PVP us from the exp spots. So all in all, the chances of people actually quitting because they drop an item is slim, not enough to warrant a complete removal of a mechanic and one that'll be a bitch to code I imagine.
  7. Leave it in so I can stun/train all the bots and get lootz.
  8. It was even better back in the day when you could drag the raid boss from DV into Giran. Fun times were had wiping out everyone. They fixed that pretty quick though ha. After that, it was roll a TH/PW, train every mob in AL down to the 3 way on the bottom floor, fake death, collect lootz.
  9. There really is no downside for the server for a stop exp button. Worst case scenario is the market gets flooded with mats because of low level spoilers which drops the prices. I'm ok with that as there will be significantly less people playing spoilers as the server is smaller than what retail had. So mats will be fairly hard to come by. Although I do want to see dwarf trains suiciding on guards. That was my favourite part of old school l2. All in all though. It's just a convenience option that wouldn't make much difference to the server anyway. As anyone that wants to de level, can de level. although right now I would say they have their hands full with just basic bugs so any sort of custom suggestion is just gonna go way on the back burner.
  10. Cyka blyat davai davai davai
  11. ​Meh, neither class brings too much to the table up to level 49, they're practically both just DD's until then as the BD's only useful skill is dance of fire (I suppose you can make an argument for dance of light for certain exp spots, and even then for a mage party is just as useless as a SwS. The SWS gets warding and wind, Neither class brings much to a party for PVE at this point, the BD party is going to down mobs a little quicker with dance of fire fire and the sws party is going to take less damage from magical attacks/have some more movement speed. Either way, both aren't going to make a huge amount of difference to a parties overall exp/hour. (depending on the size of the party/hunting area, as you get higher levels it gets better but at that point they also get more songs/dances) You could argue it's more efficient to take another DD rather than getting a BD/SWS sub level 50 but if people are going to try and be that efficient outside of CP's then they are insane. All in all I don't think BD's/SwS's will have a problem getting a party, because everyone wants to make friends with those classes you're going to need later on.
  12. Point I was making, was every PVP group would benefit greatly from a SwS. BD's and SwS' have always been in a bit of strange position, right up to dance of medusa and things like that. For the most part its cast your songs/dance, and then pull out a bow and slap people around/use arrest to root the targets/healers if they try to run.
  13. Seriously, what is there that a SwS can do for the group, that BD cannot, for the first 5-6 months of playing classic? And don't say "Elemental heal" Song of Warding - ​30% Mdef Song of Hunter - Crit rate 100% Song of Wind - Move speed + 20 Song of Earth - Pdef 25% Song of Vitality - HP + 30% They're stupidly good for PVP.
  14. ​I'm not asking them to change anything, I'm just saying if the things are broken then no one is really going to miss them if they have to bypass them.
  15. There is no mention of year 2015, could be August of any year ​I was talking about 2015 obviously. Bear with us, I'll update you guys as soon as possibly I can. Thanks! ​save yourself the time on fixing 2nd class quests and just leave Mr Cat. nobody likes them and will love you for removing them and letting us play live sooner. ​Wrong. I like them, and many others do as well. Actually, if we keep the free teleports, there is no real drawback (except that it goes agains all that classic stands for). However there are some more serious issues still in place, e.g. no XP loss on death, transfer quests that cannot be completed, misleading or outright wrong skill descriptions.... ​Pretty much anyone who played L2 back in the day HATED those things, no idea how anyone could enjoy them they were all mundane and just your typical, go here, kill a couple of these with a shitty drop rate and come back. Course back in the day that also meant no teleports, so run here and come back wasn't a quick thing to do, a lot of people use to just run to the point where dying would send you back to the village you wanted and suicide so you didn't have to run the rest of the way. It was more time efficient to grind the exp back, ha. All in all, I wouldn't miss them if they were gone.
  16. I've played both, so I'll thrown down my insight here. Rotations are a thing of the modern day MMO's they are perfected to a point where you maximise DPS, you cannot compare WoW/L2 in that respect because lineage 2 does not have that kind of skill system, a lot of older MMO's never did. L2 has a few debuffs but that's about it. in WoW/other mmo's a lot of skills have secondary effects/passive traits with them, so you want to make sure you use all the skills, but in the most optimal fashion, and thus skill rotations are born. Although a lot of 'rotations' are actually a priority system, (is this debuff on, is this buff on? is this dot on? etc) Lineage 2 does not use a system like this, the odd spell like vortex's had a debuff element, but nothing major so again, you cannot compare L2 to WoW. The other reason you can't compare, is the PVE is absolutely different, WoW's PVE is challenging, Lineage 2 is NOT a raiding PVE game, the raids are easy as shit and just require numbers/gear, not skill. That's the simple matter of it. Bosses aren't complicated, the mechanics are simple, it's mainly a DPS smash. PVP on the other hand, rotations aren't so strict, but classes still have a multitude of skills to use more than in L2. To put it simply, WoW's characters and PVE are far more indepth/complex than lineage 2, there is no denying that. L2 however was never designed for PVE, it's a grind game that focus' on political aspects of the game and clan wars/sieges and forming alliances and controlling the map (locking down AL/ToI etc). WoW is all about instanced BG's that in no way shape the world around you and PVE raids. Lineage 2 requires next to no real 'skill' in terms of character play. The only skill in the game are the main targetters in the party picking the best targets, and those micro managing the zerg into the correct positions for mass PVP, other than that it's a very simple game and the classes aren't complex like in WoW. However being a 'top' clan actually means something in L2, you shape the world, you can lock down areas, you can control castles and have an impact on the server. tl;dr you can't compare the two games so don't bother, classes in L2 are simple compared to WoW but the game isn't made for PVE raids. Plus anyone saying MMO's require real 'skills' are stupid anyway. As for DoTA 2. Best game ever.
  17. Clarissa being a bitch yo!
  18. ​I did this in prelude and we locked down Cruma and DV, and then later on Antharas Lair. Definitely works. ​Pretty much this, some of the best fights I had in this game were over spots down in AL, 3-way (down on the lower level where it splits to those 3 rooms/paths) was always the best place to fight, or right at the heart.
  19. ​Youj sir, are one dedicated man. OL is such a bitch to lvl LOL. ​Haha I know, if the server does well with plenty of clan wars and PVP though they're good fun to play. ​Yeah true, OL is very fun and good in mass pvp. but holyshit i hate lvling them haha ​Honestly the leveling is a non-issue for me, I have never really been one for private servers, so I was never spoiled by 100x rates etc. So this server with 3x will seem almost relaxing to me compared to prelude back in the day. If the server does well and there is plenty of PVP for me to get into, the OL will be worth it. Plus up to 40 it's pretty damn easy to level compared to most classes, its after 40 that becomes painful, but if I find a clan I can group up.
  20. ​Youj sir, are one dedicated man. OL is such a bitch to lvl LOL. ​Haha I know, if the server does well with plenty of clan wars and PVP though they're good fun to play.
  21. ​Haha, seeing this used to make me laugh back in the day. In all fairness, this was an issue back on retail that people used to complain about, with 3x rates its safe enough to say there's no need to change it though, just level up a low level spoiler don't go de-levelling yourself! Ha.
  22. ​The problem with this, is players aren't going out to 'find' them it is purely luck based. With the amount of mobs and areas (even if you restrict it to only mobs +/- 5 levels of the skill book level you are still just playing an almighty crap shoot and with a low drop rate it is all based on how lucky you get, the prices for those skill books are going to be insane locking out anyone who doesn't have a large clan behind them to fund it especially for those buff books. You WANT to know where those books drop, as it just adds places for PVP. People will contest those zones, because they need those books. First the CP's/Clans will get them and then the rest of the playerbase can wade in and that's how it should be, those organised will always pull ahead. Also, coding wise I imagine it would be a nightmare as the only way to 'switch' which mobs it drops from is to add the books to another monsters loot table, so either they do that manually for each book everytime to switch it, or they add all those books to all the monsters loot tables around that level range and make it an absurdly low drop rate to prevent you getting a million of them.
  23. Bartz - in SoC from release till we took the first castle (Dion I think it was, I lost a good 2 weeks worth of EXP in that siege). Kain - to go play with some other friends who joined the game because bartz had become stale PVP wise and SoC members started to quit. Franz - Because EU server and played with BeHappy Back to Bartz to play with some buddies in NoVA, till I quit around Hellbound. Then I just messed around on RvB with Chowder (nig) and Martel till i got completely bored of the game, and never came back till now. Way too many fond memories of this game. I also miss my L2blah post count :<