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Posts posted by Scaressy

  1. or UQ army of necro's will start crying

    you drunk? ​UQ have 2 necro, KeTaMuH + PinkCake :pandaredlol:

    i tell you a secret, UQ have some other armies, like a army of horses ICanFly + servitor, one man army xWaRx, army of water Dee + OppA :hapydancsmil:

    P.S. for recruting: forget about wickedsick and DarkLegion, we have armies, join us! :vise:

  2. ворвусь на пп за хомку +16 и +6 бв :hapydancsmil:

    ​Сначала за губозакатачной машинкой а потом уже поговорим.

    ​спустя некоторое время ты поймешь, что было бы дешевле взять меня, а не пару   ̶ч̶у̶ж̶и̶х̶ ̶о̶к̶о̶н̶н̶ы̶х̶ ̶п̶п̶ скамеров :hapydancsmil:

  3. Summoner was op from begining with infinite mana farming

    ​how many summoners 68+?

    After 2.0 u get pet SS and warrior/mage bane which is op and now u QQ again for nothing, what the fck?

    ​other classes can always exp with SS

    Stop QQ and go back to ur caves farming ur summoners with infinite mana.

    ​come out of the cave and try to solo exp summoner after 68-70



  4. give us Servitor Barrier plix plox! 9_9

    we are weak against rush from tyr and destro:ph34r:

    So we add beast shots on 2.0. Does pet buffs still leaves? If so every mages will need ES soon :D 

    ES with clarity empower WM on summons sounds a bit strong in oly, dont you think so?

    ​warlock with bugged anchor cubic have more chances to win than es :P

  5. Yeah they need to fix that, maybe gain mana only from targeted monster not all, or put a low chance on gaining mana. There are many ways on fixing that.

    Who knows. i don't have the epic. Maybe the guy in that movie was very lucky and gained mana from all mobs. Maybe its not 100% chance. Useless to debate this now unless someone had/has the epic already and knows how it works.

    ​i havent epic but u wanna fix it

    u know how many orf3 on this server after 1 year?

    Who knows. i don't have the epic. Maybe the guy in that movie was very lucky and gained mana from all mobs. Maybe its not 100% chance. Useless to debate this now unless someone had/has the epic already and knows how it works.

    ​ofc its not 100% chance, its low chance, but when u aoe, u hit many targets = for sure u will trigger earring on 2-3 at one aoe, which will result in having full mp after 4 AoE skills

    ​60% chance


  6. Я немного не это имел виду, статы которые они дают я знаю.

    ... поэтому чем он живучей и быстрее ...

    ​посмотри еще раз, что дает ловкость :)

  7. We have already begun to develop a Classic 2.0 with it's sieges etc.

    ​you make new changes like a ru or korean off?

    Обновление "Tower Of Insolence". Больше всего игроков беспокоит отмена штрафа на ношение брони высокого грейда. Эта информация вызвала на форуме панику и навела ужас. Сами вы говорили, что и в Корее это обновление вызвало резонанс, и вы действительно задумались по поводу исключения этого контента из прочих локализаций. А еще наши игроки обеспокоены вводом Талисманов и Виталити (или Благословение), контента, который не имеет отношения к классическим хроникам. Какова сейчас ваша позиция?

    • Мы понимаем ваше беспокойство по поводу отмены штрафа на ношение брони и поэтому готовы отказаться от этого нововведения в русской локализации (и не только в русской).Что касается талисманов, мы хотим ввести их в игру, но с последующим тщательным наблюдением за игровым балансом.Наконец, мы думаем над исключением виталити и планируем добавить в игру другие предметы, которые будут помогать прокачке и которые будут добываться игровым путем. 



    Updating the "Tower Of Insolence". Most players are concerned the abolition of the penalty on the wearing of high-grade armor. This information caused panic in the forum and brought horror. You yourself said that in Korea, and this update has caused a resonance, and you're really thinking about the deletion of the content of other sites. And our players are concerned about the introduction of Talisman and Vitality (or blessing), content that is unrelated to the classic chronicles. What is your position today?

    We understand your concern about the cancellation of the fine on the wearing of armor and so willing to give up this innovation in the Russian localization (and not only in Russian) .What As for the mascots, we want to introduce them to the game, but followed by close supervision of the gaming balansom.Nakonets we think of except vitality and plan to add other items to the game that will help the bleeding and that would be produced by the game.