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Posts posted by Sukemoto

  1. I'm not sure if I see your point there - you can't directly buy material for CoL. There's actually very limited ammount of things you can directly buy for CoL, which I don't believe is any more valuable than those things that you buy directly for Adena.

    It all comes down to players' will to trade with either of those. And since there is no apparent reason to collect CoL - since there is nothing valuable to buy directly for it - why would they put CoL over Adena, which they can use for direct offline trades? You can't sit for offline shop with Coin of Luck. You can't buy or sell materials, keys, consumables and misc on offline shop with Coin of Luck, so why would anyone prefer it over Adena?


    Recipe: Soulshots D-Grade
    Recipe: Soulshots C-Grade
    Recipe: Spiritshots D-Grade
    Recipe: Spiritshots C-Grade
    Recipe: Blessed Spiritshots D-Grade
    Recipe: Blessed Spiritshots C-Grade
    All resources recipes
    Quick Healing Potion
    Greater Healing Potion.

    Death's Deal certificate - decreasing exp loss from death
    10hsqro.png 1 day 50% - 10 CoL
    10hsqro.png 7 days 50% - 70 CoL
    10hsqro.png 30 days 50% - 120 CoL

    6ht7iv.png Blessed Scroll of Resurrection х1 - event - 6 CoL
    2r5qalk.png Blessed Scroll of Escape х1 - event - 5 CoL
    313qdyv.png Scroll Decrease PK counter - Scroll -1 PK - 10 CoL (Removing 1 PK point. Can not be used with Karma and in combat stance.)


    But yeah, you're right. CoL has no purpose and no value. You can't possibly buy anything with CoL, use CoL for said items, and then sell these items for adena, mats, or whatever you would like to ask for a trade.

    Oh and to add to your point of offline shop, technically you can buy the offline shop with CoL, so still I have no idea how you don't see this concept. Arguing with you further is just a waste of our time as it is evident that you don't grasp what is at play here.

  2. On top of this issue, coupled with the issue brought up in another thread about the topic, there is the issue with RMT/CoL/trading that will ruin the market. How you ask? CoL becomes the dominate currency and deludes other forms of currency in the game (IE adena and materials).

    ​I disagree. There isn't really anything 'worth' buying with CoL to push out the adena. Honestly at the point when you need to farm a while to afford a teleport I wouldn't be afraid of adena losing its value.

    I mean this problem is obvious at servers where you can buy enchants, LS, even equip and stuff like that, but here? What are you going to buy with loads of CoL, a hat collection?

    ​CoL is "worth" buying because you can use it to trade for materials and adena. Your assumption doesn't make sense once you realize this. Sure, teleport costs take adena out of the economy to balance a surplus on a character, but again you can buy CoL and trade for mats/adena/equipment (either way it desolves down to adena). And on top of that, you don't have to teleport you can run if you are that worried about adena costs for travel, however, this isnt in the scope of our discussion so makes no sense, again, why you bring this up once you understand the relationship and impact of tradeable CoL.

  3. I'd just like to point out a few things

    first: 1200 EUR is lot of cash to donate to a private project like this. I don't think there is any amount of legit equipment that could fully compensate for that. That being said i wonder why he wants to play on Classic in the first place, but I certainly won't question his motives.

    second: a single person, no matter how farmed can't do anything in regular Lineage, never mind Classic.

    third: D grade is nothing. It might give him a head start, but what do you expect him to do with it? He can go Rambo on EG or later DV, but a mage or WL AoE party with zero equipment will still farm faster than solo archer.

    fourth: 1200 EUR for stuff that can be farmed in two weeks casually is not exactly a stellar deal, if you ask me.

    fifth: I have played with/against people who had donated equipment, altered stats, even gm restore ability. They had advantage in pvp and .... that's it. Unless that person decides they want to spend their evening pestering you, the impact of even this kind of support would be negligible, especially on Classic where there are no contestable bosses, no castle sieges.


    bottom line: let the guy rest in peace, his money is paying your game.

    Edit: proofread :x

    ​Well there are several problems. When a server's business starts to dwindle, some administration becomes tempted to break their own rules - they all people to "donate" for items. Not accusing this administration of doing so or likely to do so, just see how some servers have ended. On top of this issue, coupled with the issue brought up in another thread about the topic, there is the issue with RMT/CoL/trading that will ruin the market. How you ask? CoL becomes the dominate currency and deludes other forms of currency in the game (IE adena and materials). The only way to counter this issue is to prolong the release of content so that the average player, not abusing the abundance of CoL, catches up, farms, and crafts comparable equipment to a CoL'er.

    Now before you even attempt to bring up the stun resist comment, equip not giving an advantage, etc. This is very much true. However, in past server's demise we see that the ones that pay to win or get ahead of the curve aren't exclusive or soloist. They instead tend to group together, run the same clan, and circles. So they will have control over giran/aden first and hold it for awhile until the server levels out (see above about the equipment curve and prolonging content to allow the server to catch up).

    I find it sad that most people either speak without private server knowledge about this issue, or even worse, know what typically happens on private servers with "donations" that are trade-able. People aren't reinventing the wheel here, nor are they doing something different. History repeats itself and will continue to do so.  

  4. You can check all his videos, there is the biggest - of dagger. "sitting in the root". 



    Dude he is killing people in devotion and he is problaby 10-15 levels higher than those Guys WAUW!

    ​And not our server/not our beta, not our content, full buffs/dances, all chasing no actual duels/competitive pvp. Just a lame nubstomp vid.

  5. Done

    Maybe this coins should be not tradeable. 

    ​Doubt they would do such thing,the only thing i see right now - they only care about filling their pockets,they dont care about dissbalance or long-term server...

    ​Finally, people are learning....

  6. CasX +1 San0 , Koll , Kse what u respond about that do u think is right , i think YES he is.

    ​Any dropped item is advantage.

    And if player doesn't want to donate, but want to get something from shop - he have no chance.

    Plus this thing will help us pay for our adv ( cause we think you want more players know about server and join it ), scripters work, designer work, machines cost, ddos protection cost, all our proxys cost and etc.

    ​but an advantage by game mechanics not by donating...

    I think this is a bad move, it will also disrupt the server start.

    You dont have to have a master in economics to know that prices of these coins will skyrocket when more adena flows trough the server... So your best way to make adena is buy them when they are cheap... Like at a server start.

    ​i don't think so.

    i have a master in economics, and i don't see the reason why tradable CoL can break the game or its economy. its just another item in the L2 economy, and its price will depend of different variables, flow of adena, utility of that item. and offer and demand, if there are too much CoL the price will stay low, and if not, maybe a bit higher but, few CoL means low impact in the L2 economy.

    There are a lot primary and important items in L2 where the players will have to spend his money, they cant buy CoL and forget about equipment, shots. And believe me, forget about your experience in the OBT, there won't be a lot of adena in the x3 server.

    ​I would love to know which institution gave you a "masters in economics" when you fail to understand that trading CoL devalues the ingame currencies. In less than a week with this currency damage, the economy will already be irreversible. Hence, in another thread I mentioned the lifespan of this server will only be 3-4 months given its path. History of economics (neoliberal or economy led policies) have already shown how core countries depreciate other peripheral countries' currencies and all this server is doing is exactly the same thing, but instead in a video game from exterior interests and policy makers (IE administration's short term transaction and financial gains) without necessarily exploiting through loans but through introducing a new form of currency and how it, as said before, devalues the previous means of trading and currency.

    It was a good try, but it came to light that this is another p2w server under the guise of a nostalgic "classic" server. Not much here that is classic, just hopes and wishes that it were truly classic.

    • Like 1

  7. I dont see a Top D Grade Weapon on the screenshot. I see a Goat Head Staff, but this is not Top. Top is Ghost Staff

    Learn to read?


    ​Sorry, i not speak good english, i use Google Translate english->Germany.

    So it may well be that I understand something wrong. :)

    ​I thought you were being naive and sarcastic to the problems of the server. I apologize for my comment if that's not the case.

  8. most EU/NA people won't bother to migrate over there anyway, since that server will be for the 99% made of russians. hell, even the forum was full russian with just ENG as sub-section language.


    in any case, making new threads about this situation day after day after day until the end of august won't change anything.

    if you can wait for fixes, good, if not just move on and that's it. no point in stressing over it on daily basis, especially when it's all about a private server project.

    ​I there is a larger Euro/Russ community than there is for NA/CAN. Besides here, there really isn't anywhere else to go for "low rates" and "classic" without being emerged in complete Euro/Russ/KA populations.

  9. I don't like spreading "FUD", but the recent (or so I assume it is recent?) increase in "classic" servers is everywhere. I was on TwitchTV and six of eight streams were advertising their new servers and beta that promise live in the next weeks. The competition is out there and it seems flaky, but I am sure that people will flock to it and decide whether to wait around here, test other places, or whatever. People can wait and get their response or do as they please, but they were promised an announcement soon TM. Wait or not, posting about it isn't going to make it come any faster. Find another way to vent your frustrations.

  10. Well how fast did they progress through all of those patches? Are we following their timeline or will we be voting on updates/new content or will it roll out via admin's discretion? I guess I don't care if "classic" goes up to Kamaels if that is years or a long time from now on our server, but I just wouldn't want to "relive classic" only for A grade to drop in a few months and then on etc. 

  11. Classic will go up to before GoD plus whatever new stuff they come up with. The next kr update brings Goddard and all that content.

    ​Oh so classic doesn't mean we are locked in at "classic" (pre-C1) forever? We are following KR Classic as it progresses? Can we have official word on this matter stating that we are not locked into  "classic" (pre-C1) and at most C1/C2, but instead going all the way to GoD?

  12. So I consider myself pretty noob when it comes to content and patches. But when trying to understand how far the server will progress in "classic" I did some looking into the KR patches etc. So until C1, we don't see AL and castle sieges. Also, C2 brought about ToI/new "endgame" bosses. So I wouldn't expect "Classic" to get updated to C2, but will we see full B grade/AL/CS/C1 or are we strictly staying at "Classic" aka pre-Chronicles?

  13. Mouth of AL in DV. You can see the entrance to lair as you approach but then the map loads the wall from classic (this isn't the problem though). When you get close to the classic wall, you glitch in the wall of AL (in later patch I assume) and become stuck. You also aggro mobs in the wall so you get a double whammy from the game glitch. Sorry, I don't have loc but will try to venture close again later for more approximate location.

  14. Original L2:classic default rate is 1/6 of original default L2:C1. This means x1 classic rates are in fact 0,16x rates of C1. Even russian innova realised this and increased adena rate to x3 of classic rates so peapole on lvl 50 can use soulshots now :). I hope that this change will be reflected at launch on the rates of this server also.

    ​I wouldn't mind increasing just adena to x2 or even x3. I remember the struggle being that by the time you got to content that forced you to group, spamming SS was a horrid blow to the bank. Parties without shots and solos w/ shots while LFG/waiting for a spot made me sad panda. I don't want to go through that "struggle" again, but love the x1 exp and drop rate idea.