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Everything posted by Aronsix

  1. Hello! I don't understand how to buy a premium account and how to charge money for auction! Can you explain to me please? Thanks
  2. can i have stuff i've earned with my first pg aronsix on the new pg (aron6) ??! stuff like newbie weapon ticket, starter rune box x2 and ring of heir. this stuff i didn't recveive with the new character... the new character i had to create beacause of the bugged quest. thanks
  3. my pg is Aron6 (i've made a new one to restart the quest but it makes the same bug)
  4. hello! nope, it's the same
  5. Hello! I've finished the quest "tomb of ancestors" and i have to return to altaran, but when i talk with altaran it doesn't work...the quest button doens't work. can you help me?? thank you