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Everything posted by spike

  1. Must be kidding me now it's money still no npc.
  2. Awesome so now I completely lost level up.
  3. Siriously wtf now I can't play all day because of this bug. Everyone done it before this prof.. Hope Gm going to give me atleast lv 40 for this issue. I already would been level 48 by now if not this bug.. And I need NECRO not any other prof.
  4. What can I do now if I cannot complete prof?
  5. Hi I found a bug today during the human wizard quest around lake I was looking for the quest monster named "water seer" and there is none of it. I saw another guy who was looking for it. So it's not only me. Also I experienced some other bugs like private store bug once u just stand up from the shop u need to add again items every time u are standing up. Another bug is with clan hall buffs I can only choose up to level 3bug and there is another bug with clan skills I don't have any other clan skill then 6% exp extra and I manage to collect 5000 clan points to upgrade for 10% extra experience but it doesn't do anything at all at that point. And another thing is that I've seen other clans who have skills like speed or other. So those couple of stuff should be fixed I think. Where is more bugs that I have expierence in this server , I was thinking that OL buffs should be only for clan/ally but it's not its also for the party (as far as I know that's what is l2 classic thing) another thing is that vampyric rage on mage class works to and i don't know is it should be like that on classic or not.