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About Elrick

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  1. I don't understand why would they ban IPs. It's not like there's going to be too many people playing.
  2. I demand news every seconds of the day! Or else... or else I will be mildly annoyed!
  3. I don't know how is WoW now but in my time, pre WoTLK, it wasn't all simple 1-2-3 rotations. You have to manage your cooldowns, aggro, positioning, mana/rage/energy and be ready to use situational skills on top of following a strategy for the encounter. You have 20+ skills to manage and every classes have something special to manage like rage, combo points, seals, stances, etc. Some people like that, some people just want to grind mindlessly by pressing the same 1-2 buttons. Having a more dynamic skill system doesn't preclude having all the features of open PvP of L2. In fact, I would expect a open pvp game to be more skill based than grind based, otherwise of course the people who grinded/botted/rmted the most will always win.