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Everything posted by Kse

  1. Calculation is here! KamBa - 20 CoL merenda - 22 CoL CraftForVodka - 0 CoL MIHICTP123 - 10 CoL 이진언 - 12 CoL IMPORTANT! If during the calculation we can not see your videos because they are hidden or any restrictions are applied, there will be no recalculation after calculation results are posted! You need to make sure your content is available for the check before! Streams, which were not announced in your topic as required are not being counted! AFK time on streams is being removed from overall streams time. And if a single stream has a significant AFK time in it, that stream is not being counted at all! Fishing considered AFK! To claim CoLs, PM Kse here on forum with your ingame nickname! You do not need to send it to Live chat/Discord as well. In case you don't see your name in the list or have doubts in calculation numbers, pm me CoLs will start being delivered on 22.03.2025
  2. Calculation is here! But today it is not going to be a regular calculation! Streamers, that were with us during last week, will each get: KamBa - 100 CoL merenda - 100 CoL MIHICTP123 - 100 CoL 이진언 - 100 CoL And will also get 20x Freya's Reward! To claim rewards, PM Kse here on forum with your ingame nickname! You do not need to send it to Live chat/Discord as well. In case you don't see your name in the list or have doubts in calculation numbers, pm me CoLs will start being delivered on 14.03.2025
  3. Dear players! Let's spice the rest of event period up? Starting tomorrow, 14.03.2025 (UTC+2) and all the way till Event end (31.03.2025) enjoy EXP/SP Boost! For Dion: EXP/SP Bonus is x2 For TI: EXP/SP Bonus is x1.3 And that's not it! ALL donations, made on 14.03.2025 - 16.03.2025 (UTC+2) will come with 15% Bonus! Have a great time on L2Classic.club! Sincerely, Classic Team
  4. Dear friends! Ice crystal shards were stolen from Freya's palace. Freya fears that the crystals could make this winter unbearably cold for all Elmoreden residents, or that the winter may never end until all the crystals are returned to her palace. So she sent her Servant for your help! Freya has also sent her Infinite Fighters which will destroy all the creatures in Elmoreden if you will not help. Let's not bring it to this, everyone is counting on you! Hunt monsters all over the map, gain experience and along with it Freya's Frozen Lamp. By opening them you can get either Ice Crystal Shards, which Freya's Servant can exchange for Freya's reward or Freya's invitation so you and your friends can go and battle Infinite Fighters! When you and your friends will have invitations (at least 1 per character), make a party (2-9 members) and come to Freya's Servant. She will send you to the arena, where you will be facing Infinite Fighters. Remember! As soon as you will be teleported to the arena, there is no way back except for your death! (there is no exp or items loss on death on the arena). Every killed Infinite Fighter will spawn 2 more, so prepare for the hard challenge! Every defeated Infinite Fighter will give 1 Infinite Fighter Armor Piece to a person, who dealt last hit on it. These Armor pieces can be exchanged for Military Outfit and are tradeable. And 30 Ice Crystal Shards can be exchanged for Freya's reward at Freya's Servant. After 10000 Infinite Fighters are killed, Ice Queen Freya will come to Aden square! Talk to her within 30 minutes of her appearance and receive Time limited 6 hours 100% EXP/SP boost scroll! Reward cooldown is 12 hours! So don't try to sneak and get it while you are not supposed to Do not forget to talk to Freya's Servant and get Freya's Blessing! Buff improves every hour and lasts 4 hours in total. Level 1 buff gives +3% EXP/SP Level 2 - +5% EXP/SPLevel 3 - +9% EXP/SPLevel 4 - +15% EXP/SP Buff cooldown is 12 hours! Event rewards were updated and now along with previous rewards you can get: For TI: 2x Daily Coins For Dion: 2x Daily Coins 2nd Class Book Chest 3rd Class Book Chest Event duration: Items drop - 10.03.2025 - 31.03.2025 NPCs will stay till 07.04.2025 In order to see Event items client update after maintenance is required Happy hunting! Classic Team
  5. Calculation is here! KamBa - 28 CoL merenda - 38 CoL CraftForVodka - 6 CoL MIHICTP123 - 10 CoL 이진언 - 28 CoL shinxa6 - 0 CoL Following streamers are being removed from the campaign due to inactivity: shinxa6 IMPORTANT! If during the calculation we can not see your videos because they are hidden or any restrictions are applied, there will be no recalculation after calculation results are posted! You need to make sure your content is available for the check before! Streams, which were not announced in your topic as required are not being counted! AFK time on streams is being removed from overall streams time. And if a single stream has a significant AFK time in it, that stream is not being counted at all! Fishing considered AFK! To claim CoLs, PM Kse here on forum with your ingame nickname! You do not need to send it to Live chat/Discord as well. In case you don't see your name in the list or have doubts in calculation numbers, pm me CoLs will start being delivered on 06.03.2025
  6. Calculation is here! KamBa - 30 CoL merenda - 26 CoL CraftForVodka - 16 CoL MIHICTP123 - 26 CoL 이진언 - 30 CoL shinxa6 - 0 CoL IMPORTANT! If during the calculation we can not see your videos because they are hidden or any restrictions are applied, there will be no recalculation after calculation results are posted! You need to make sure your content is available for the check before! Streams, which were not announced in your topic as required are not being counted! AFK time on streams is being removed from overall streams time. And if a single stream has a significant AFK time in it, that stream is not being counted at all! Fishing considered AFK! To claim CoLs, PM Kse here on forum with your ingame nickname! You do not need to send it to Live chat/Discord as well. In case you don't see your name in the list or have doubts in calculation numbers, pm me CoLs will start being delivered on 27.02.2025
  7. Calculation is here! KamBa - 36 CoL merenda - 34 CoL CraftForVodka - 16 CoL MIHICTP123 - 30 CoL LIFT - 0 CoL VeGaZ - 0 CoL 이진언 - 30 CoL Following streamers are being removed from the campaign due to inactivity: LIFT VeGaZ IMPORTANT! If during the calculation we can not see your videos because they are hidden or any restrictions are applied, there will be no recalculation after calculation results are posted! You need to make sure your content is available for the check before! Streams, which were not announced in your topic as required are not being counted! AFK time on streams is being removed from overall streams time. And if a single stream has a significant AFK time in it, that stream is not being counted at all! Fishing considered AFK! To claim CoLs, PM Kse here on forum with your ingame nickname! You do not need to send it to Live chat/Discord as well. In case you don't see your name in the list or have doubts in calculation numbers, pm me CoLs will start being delivered on 19.02.2025
  8. Dear players! To celebrate Valentine's Day, ALL donations, made during February 15 and February 16 (UTC+2 Time), will come with 15% bonus! Have a wonderful Holidays! Sincerely, Classic Team
  9. Calculation is here! KamBa - 24 CoL merenda - 24 CoL CraftForVodka - 14 CoL MIHICTP123 - 48 CoL LIFT - 0 CoL VeGaZ - 0 CoL IMPORTANT! If during the calculation we can not see your videos because they are hidden or any restrictions are applied, there will be no recalculation after calculation results are posted! You need to make sure your content is available for the check before! Streams, which were not announced in your topic as required are not being counted! AFK time on streams is being removed from overall streams time. And if a single stream has a significant AFK time in it, that stream is not being counted at all! Fishing considered AFK! To claim CoLs, PM Kse here on forum with your ingame nickname! You do not need to send it to Live chat/Discord as well. In case you don't see your name in the list or have doubts in calculation numbers, pm me CoLs will start being delivered on 12.02.2025
  10. Dear players! After some reconsideration and feedback from our players, we want to make some changes in upcoming EXP bonuses And the bonus rates will be as followed: Dion: x2 EXP/SP Bonus during 14.02.2025 - 17.02.2025 x1.5 EXP/SP Bonus during 17.02.2025 - 21.02.2025 TI: x1.3 EXP/SP Bonus during 14.02.2025 - 21.02.2025 We got a lot of feedback asking to not give EXP bonuses on TI server, but we can't leave it without any. So the decision to increase it, but not to the level of Dion, was made. Happy Holidays! Sincerely, Classic Team
  11. Dear players! Ready to celebrate Valentine's day? Here is a part of what is waiting for you on celebration weekend: x2 EXP/SP Bonus during 14.02.2025 - 17.02.2025 Lovebird Cloak will be back for a limited period of time to Nostalgia's Items Vault More info to come! So stay tuned! Sincerely, Classic Team
  12. Calculation is here! KamBa - 24 CoL merenda - 36 CoL CraftForVodka - 60 CoL MIHICTP123 - 12 CoL LIFT - 12 CoL VeGaZ - 8 CoL IMPORTANT! If during the calculation we can not see your videos because they are hidden or any restrictions are applied, there will be no recalculation after calculation results are posted! You need to make sure your content is available for the check before! Streams, which were not announced in your topic as required are not being counted! AFK time on streams is being removed from overall streams time. And if a single stream has a significant AFK time in it, that stream is not being counted at all! Fishing considered AFK! To claim CoLs, PM Kse here on forum with your ingame nickname! You do not need to send it to Live chat/Discord as well. In case you don't see your name in the list or have doubts in calculation numbers, pm me CoLs will start being delivered on 05.02.2025
  13. Calculation is here! KamBa - 26 CoL merenda - 18 CoL CraftForVodka - 70 CoL MIHICTP123 - 74 CoL LIFT - 10 CoL IMPORTANT! If during the calculation we can not see your videos because they are hidden or any restrictions are applied, there will be no recalculation after calculation results are posted! You need to make sure your content is available for the check before! Streams, which were not announced in your topic as required are not being counted! AFK time on streams is being removed from overall streams time. And if a single stream has a significant AFK time in it, that stream is not being counted at all! Fishing considered AFK! To claim CoLs, PM Kse here on forum with your ingame nickname! You do not need to send it to Live chat/Discord as well. In case you don't see your name in the list or have doubts in calculation numbers, pm me CoLs will start being delivered on 29.01.2025
  14. Kse

    Happy Lunar New Year!

    Dear players! We want to congratulate you with Lunar New Year and send our best wishes to you and your families! To celebrate Lunar New Year, we have prepared for you some memorable gifts, which you can take from Emmy NPC in game! Happy Holidays! Sincerely, Classic Team
  15. Calculation is here! KamBa - 22 CoL merenda - 40 CoL CraftForVodka - 108 CoL MIHICTP123 - 78 CoL Following streamers are being removed from the campaign due to inactivity: cavo IMPORTANT! If during the calculation we can not see your videos because they are hidden or any restrictions are applied, there will be no recalculation after calculation results are posted! You need to make sure your content is available for the check before! Streams, which were not announced in your topic as required are not being counted! AFK time on streams is being removed from overall streams time. And if a single stream has a significant AFK time in it, that stream is not being counted at all! Fishing considered AFK! To claim CoLs, PM Kse here on forum with your ingame nickname! You do not need to send it to Live chat/Discord as well. In case you don't see your name in the list or have doubts in calculation numbers, pm me CoLs will start being delivered on 22.01.2025
  16. Dear players! Congratulations on your Dion server's 2nd anniversary! This milestone celebrates your dedication, camaraderie, and countless shared adventures over the past two years. Together, you've created not just a thriving game world but a vibrant community filled with unforgettable memories and enduring alliances. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to every player for shaping this incredible journey. Your passion and support have been vital to the server's success. Exciting updates, events, and opportunities are just around the corner, promising even more thrilling adventures. Thank you for being part of this story - here’s to many more milestones ahead! Find NPC Emmy in every city starting at midnight (UTC+2 time), and get your gifts! She will stay giving presents till 17.01.2025 maintenance That goes for both Dion and TI servers! Plus, don't miss a Discord Giveaway! Sincerely, Classic Team
  17. Calculation is here! cavo - 0 CoL merenda - 38 CoL CraftForVodka - Contact Kse via PM on Forum MIHICTP123 - 38 CoL IMPORTANT! If during the calculation we can not see your videos because they are hidden or any restrictions are applied, there will be no recalculation after calculation results are posted! You need to make sure your content is available for the check before! Streams, which were not announced in your topic as required are not being counted! AFK time on streams is being removed from overall streams time. And if a single stream has a significant AFK time in it, that stream is not being counted at all! Fishing considered AFK! To claim CoLs, PM Kse here on forum with your ingame nickname! You do not need to send it to Live chat/Discord as well. In case you don't see your name in the list or have doubts in calculation numbers, pm me CoLs will start being delivered on 11.01.2025
  18. Dear players! Today, 08.01.2025, we are planning to make Dion and Talking Island servers maintenance at a standard maintenance time. Expected downtime - 10 minutes
  19. Dear players! Today, 07.01.2025, we are planning to make Dion server maintenance at a standard maintenance time. Expected downtime - 20 minutes
  20. Dear players! Tomorrow, 06.01.2025 we will be installing Goddard part 2 Update on both Dion and Talking island servers! Server will go down at a standard maintenance time. Update will take up to 3 hours! IMPORTANT: You will need to update your Client in order to see update content! Sincerely, Classic Team
  21. Calculation is here! cavo - 2 CoL merenda - 36 CoL CraftForVodka - 112 CoL MIHICTP123 - 28 CoL In addition ALL streamers will get 20x Santa's Pouches Following streamers are being removed from the campaign due to inactivity: 이진언 IMPORTANT! If during the calculation we can not see your videos because they are hidden or any restrictions are applied, there will be no recalculation after calculation results are posted! You need to make sure your content is available for the check before! Streams, which were not announced in your topic as required are not being counted! AFK time on streams is being removed from overall streams time. And if a single stream has a significant AFK time in it, that stream is not being counted at all! Fishing considered AFK! To claim CoLs, PM Kse here on forum with your ingame nickname! You do not need to send it to Live chat/Discord as well. In case you don't see your name in the list or have doubts in calculation numbers, pm me CoLs will start being delivered on 03.01.2025
  22. Dear players! To celebrate New Year, ALL donations, made during January 1 and January 2 (UTC+2 Time), will come with 15% bonus! Have a wonderful Holidays! Sincerely, Classic Team
  23. Kse

    Happy New Year 2025!

    Dear L2Classic.club Adventurers, As another year unfolds in the epic world of Lineage 2, we want to extend our heartfelt congratulations to all of you - valiant warriors, skilled mages, and cunning rogues - for your unwavering dedication and incredible achievements. Your tireless efforts, triumphant victories, and unyielding spirit have brought life to our world and made this year unforgettable. Each castle siege, PvP duel, and boss raid stands as a testament to your courage and skill. You have proven time and time again that the heart of a true adventurer beats within you. As we step into the new year together, we wish you even greater accomplishments, thrilling battles, and moments of glory that will etch your names in the annals of our history. May your paths be filled with legendary loot, unbreakable alliances, and victories that resonate across Aden. Your dreams, whether of conquest or camaraderie, are what drive this incredible community forward. We, as your server team, are committed to making the year ahead even more extraordinary. From smoother gameplay to exciting events and engaging updates, we will do everything in our power to ensure your journey remains as captivating as ever. Thank you for being the heart and soul of L2Classic.club - your passion inspires us to continually strive for excellence. Here's to another year of adventures together! Happy New Year! Sincerely, Classic Team
  24. Calculation is here! It is not going to be a regular calculation, but a Holiday one! Streamers, that were with us during last week, will each get: 150 CoLs 10 Santa's Pouches And the streamers are: merenda CraftForVodka MIHICTP123 To claim CoLs, PM Kse here on forum with your ingame nickname! You do not need to send it to Live chat/Discord as well. In case you don't see your name in the list or have doubts in calculation numbers, pm me CoLs will start being delivered on 26.12.2024
  25. Dear friends! As we are stepping in the Holidays period, We are announcing a Donation Bonus! EVERY Donation, made on 25 and 26 of December (UTC+2 time) will come with 20% Bonus! And that's not it! On a Christmas day, December25, find a Santa in every city and get your Christmas gift! Happy Holidays! Sincerely, Classic Team