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Everything posted by Zaro
Sadly i don`t record when im playing games, i can try and ask the others that i was in party with, they said they did not know how he did it either so yea i dunno
Like the title says, we were in CT in a party one of those high lvl bot russians that runs around killing everyone there came over killed one of our members, so naturally he went red and we shoot at him, first shoot went fine coz he was red, next shoot i was flagged and he was not red anymore how the hell can that be??? There might be some really weird game mechanics that i don`t know about but it seems abit odd to me, and smells like a hack or exploit, i hope someone can explain it to me Zaro
Wow i`m impressed mate, you sir are really something to be honest when i got to the end of this post, i just started to laugh at you, holy crap man you sir are so full of shit that you actually believe your own lies now a days, so you decided to drag me through the mud okey i hear ya, but thank god that i know the truth because apparently you don`t or like i said, maybe you`ve just started to believe your own lies is the truth, i had not read this post until my clan members told me about how you are trashing me, so i guess i need to say something. So you say that i never gave anything to the clan or helped anyone out and that i kept everything for myself, okey let`s see so the three bronze set ( top and bottom ) and the one piece bone set ( top and bottom ) that i gave to others don`t count hmmm okey i hear ya same goes with them EAD that i found which i also gave to my clan members, yea they don`t count as well, and this was in the early game where people did not have any gear at all so no your right i don`t help people i keep everything for myself or wait a min. And yes i did sell that Falchion so i could get max ng grade weapon and i also think i bought my Devotion set with those adena...!!! As for that staff and your saying that the entire clan agreed with you that i was a moron, well ummm why are they pm`ing me telling how big a cunt you are for screwing them over like you did, and for the record i did not rage quit, i accepted the fact that some people were not happy about me upgrading it and 1 nuker which i think were Pacific, ( not sure ) went loco haha, so i thought you know what i better give it back, so that dps classes could use it, that was the reason for me giving that staff back, was i happy about it no not the first two days, but then i realized that i was still able to grind so i did Now about the whole clan thing, you know i did everything i could to help people out, just because that`s the person i am, which is why i don`t understand why you feel the need to all of the sudden trash me and make up all sorta lies, but i guess every man has his moments of weakness and i guess this is yours. Anyways i was going to actually complement you here, but reading how you are trashing me yea well you go figure Also i won`t be reading your answer but now that i`ve seen the real person i think i can manage i wish you well and gl on the server Zaro out
Do you know what happened? Maybe but that`s not something im going to discuss here
Yea i think we all saw that coming from a mile away lol
yup i had the same problem manged to make a char and was about to talk to the starter dude where you spawn and then i could not move so i closed the game and now it won`t let me log back into the game
Can`t log in due to heavy traffic what`s that all about
Do you know what they costs???
seems they are doing some kinda update or something, i cant log in either
Don`t use the launcher, its not updated yet, just go into your system folder and start the game directly from there
I thought you could buy those in the Grocery but it seems not
Okey so i was just wondering, the sieges are coming in patch 2.0 right, but here is my question, are they making the sieges to be like in the awesome good old days, where you had to use siege golems coz that would be freaking insanely awesome, i absolutely loved that period coz they were just awesome to look at and it just gave sieges a whole other aspect to the game as well...!!! So will we have a comeback of the siege golems or??? Zaro
So what do we do if we need something they drop now that they aint in the game??? Are we going to have to wait for them until 2.0 or what`s the plan???
Well i know this aint any solid leads or anything like that, but i was using a database for classic, and the Catherok was in it, so that was my basic for asking But thank you for your help
I was cruising around in CT last night trying to find the Catherok for something that it drops and spoils, but it`s just not there anymore is this a bug or is it just not in the Classic mode???
I`d have to agree with most of the people here, that over the years Lineage 2 have become more about having or playing with your own buffer box, where as in the early years of Lineage 2, you would have sooo many dedicated buffers and healers and what not, and i guess it have alienated or set aside teamwork or just in general to play with other people, so all of the sudden you were able to play the entire game ( or most of it ) on your own, my thought is that maybe all this happen over the years as the players declined, so all of the sudden there were a need for more buffers or dd`s, so the dual box came more and more in play, or at least that`s how i see it and i can`t talk for everyone But here on a server like this i think that both arguments are valid, so for me well im just happy im not the one who has to make that decision hehe but if i should say something about it, then i would say that i would personally like to have a buffer box, someone said we might have 800 to 1k people on this server, which would be awesome but, half of them are probably Russians which is fine i have nothing against them, but my point is that let`s say maybe half the server will have a language barrier, which makes it alot harder to play with them, so we`re down to around 4 to 500 people online that i might have the chance to play with, which is not alot, which also makes me agreeing with the OP that im not going to sit and grind without buffs, because the rest or the people in the clan im in are offline, so yea it`s a hard line to balance and again im happy im not the one to make that decision Just my 2 cents Zaro
Well we`re trying to get some English speaking people together to maybe make a little international clan, your more then welcome to join us
Sure pm me ingame i made an alt called Gray
I just started on this server so im roaming around in the beginning
well i would if i could haha, but im having some problems with login onto the server for some weird reason, but i`ll look ya up if i can join at some point
alright thanks buddy, looking forward to hear from ya
Hiya I was wondering if anyone could help me out with my problem, i can log in and i get to the server screen, where i have to chose the server, so i do that and then when i press the ok button, it just tells me that i`ve been disconnected and that i should reconnect, and if i do that it just tells me the same thing, so basically i can log in but i can`t join the server. Does anyone know what the problem is??? Is it because the server is still in beta and i have to wait until the 24th or am i missing something here Zaro
Yea i have a similar problem actually, i can log in and then i chose the server and press play, then i just get disconnected which i find a little bit weird, so i thought that maybe i just can`t connect to the server because it`s in beta still, and that i have to wait til the 24th when the server actually goes live, but if someone can tell me weather or not im surposed to be able to log in or not that would be really helpful
Yea sure i don`t see why not mate the more the better, i think that Haplo and i are making a little orc party haha, or atleast im making a WC and i won`t dual box, because i like to play actively with others even though it`s a buffer class, but on my part your more then welcome mate Maybe Haplo can say which char hes going to make, or maybe he haven`t decided yet hehe, anyways im cet +1 timezone, but i play odd hours haha Zaro