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Posts posted by Leisath

  1. Hello,

    I'm willing to buy Theca boots. I am not sure if anyone has already got this item as a drop since the monsters who drop them are higher on lvl. But still... If anyones has them, please contact me in game via msg or mail - nick Leisath


  2. Yup, Sett, sometimes PK'ing is freaking necessary :( sometimes it's hard to tell who is a bigger troll, the one who ruins your farming, or the one who PK's you with no reason at all. I guess we will all have to accept the fact that PK'ing in this server can be only used when there is no other choices left, cause it's too damn hard to clean your PK points. Maybe later it will be easier to PK, because we will have trustworthy clan mates, CPs and allies, that will help us no to drop every single item we've got and clean the PK points safely.
    So those who are disappointed just wait a while longer, PK will be more reliable in later game I suppose. And more necessary :)

  3. pk is a tool to control farming zones, raid bosses, a tool to fight enemy clans who don't want to accept wars. That has nothing to do with raging people.

    ​I will repeat myself: in the first 3 days.
    What raid bosses, what enemy clans and wars? Nothing like that has started yet. By the way, I agree that PK'ing is important in later game. But the server has just started, so the only reason why players kill each other is just for fun or cause of rage. Well, everyone has their own ways to have fun I guess.

  4. Such killerz, much wow.

    It's a low rate server, guys... If you can't play even for 3 days w/o PK'ing someone, something is totally wrong with you.

    ​Yea, see, there is usually something wrong with the people we want to PK, in the first place.

    ​PK'ing in L2 is like raging in LOL (if you've ever played it you'll know what i mean) :D
    There is always someone who asks to be smashed in a face with a hammer, but it's always you who looks like an idiot if you let him provoke you :P
    Dear Grumpy Cat, it's the second time already when our opinions divide in this forum, seems like we'll have some PK'ing going, huh, Sett? ^^

  5. The only problem I see in all this is that server might divide into two sides: Russian players will only communicate and trade/sell/buy with other Russian players, while English speaking players will only trade with English speaking ones... Won't it be bad for server's entire economy? If we would all communicate in one language it would make us all work together more, wouldn't it?

    However, I have NOTHING against other nationalities or so, just to make sure... I'm not trying to offend anyone in here.

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  6. Hello everyone,

    I've finally finished my story and illustrations. I hope you guys will like it. Feel free to comment but please don't get too harsh, since I'm neither a native English speaker nor a profesional artist. To be honest, I haven't drew elfs and unicorns for many years, after I stopped playing Lineage 2 :D. It was a fun experience for me, so I send a huge THANKS to staff members for organising this event.

    The main thing that inspired my story was the last chronicles of Lineage 2. It was such a mess and disappointment that I ended up destroying that world and rebuilding the new one in my story :D.

    So wish you all happy gaming and will be waiting to see your creations too! ;)




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  7. How do i send this to you guys? As a private message or just post it right here in this thread? Story is finished already, still working on 2 remaining drawings ^^
    Shall i put those images into the Word file and convert everything to pdf or you want everything as separate items? Thanks for your answer ;)