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Everything posted by ricotero85

  1. 19:00 CEST what time is in Argentina?
  2. says OPEN BETA but i can't log in
  3. hahahaha glad to reed that.. thank you for answer.. me and my brother will play from start then!! =D
  4. I need to know something.. Server will opened to latinoamerica too? Can we play from Argentina?
  5. i'm talking about skeletons.. zombies hit ahrd too? lol
  6. h to all.. i'm hunting in ruins of agony and skeletons and zombies hit really hard.. it's that ok? i'm elven fighter lv 20 with set bone (light) and need rest of every mob i kill.. if mob not kill me first... i was playing l2 classic latinoamerica and having wooden set and lv 14 same monsters hit a LOT less... can you test that? thanks
  7. thanks so much for answer!! my and my brother will start october 24th!!
  8. Hello to all.. I'm from Argentina and i need to know something.. how long you online? already he had their time 1.0 and now update 2.0? Or starts directly 2.0? excuse my english please.. if any members of the staff talks spanish i would be grateful thanks