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Posts posted by razdva

  1. Ищу кп, сяду за любой класс...на данный момент играю визардом 24 лвл (планирую некра), но готов сделать рерол на любой подходящий класс.

    А то чую паровозик с русскоговорящими уходит в хай лвл)

  2. людей и  не должно быть в деревни орков, логично ведь? :D

    ​да ты непонял , вообще нету никого почти 

    ​да все я понял, зашел - онлайна не увидел - ушел на х1200^_^

    ​идите) такие все равно бы долго не протянули

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  3. Personally I understand most of Russians, since I used to study Russian at high school, aslo I write in Cyrillic also so its not problem for me. Its just annoying to see Russian spam and Russian s...t titles on private stores. Соски = shots, перчи = gloves, do you think its better like this?

    ​this will not happen ... everyone understands that the majority of English-speaking players ... trade will always be in English

  4. okay so... I  just tested it:
    at lvl 20 i loose 11.73%
    at lvl 40 I loose 11.52%
    at lvl 60 i loose 11.22% !!!!!!!!!!

    I hope it's a mistake and supposed to be decreasing more with the lvl... How much hours do you need to get 11% at lvl 60? (assuming you could even get to 60 cuz I couldn't haha)
    AND  assuming you won't die in this X  hours to get back your lvl (my head is exploding) :SxD

    ​x1 classics on lvl 60 to 10% is 10:00 incessantly farm

    x3= 3:30) 10%)))

    And then there are Russian who will kill you :D-_-

    it is necessary to live in the game .... who is it ready?



    stop raging about 10%. This is classic, it's your choice, none carries about your lives, it's on your own.

    This game shows : how long you can save your nerves in hard Mode RPG or get back like pussies in L2fofagos, WoW, PW etc rpg clones.

    ​You're sure of myself, I too ... and the rest of 3000, even have no idea what they are signed


    Ppl хотел классический, чел получить классическую сына, пряжки и получить готовый для некоторых бушует \ о /

    ​many do not understand what's Classics

  7. http://lineage2classic.com/forum/index.php?/topic/2342-полезности-файлы-и-ссылки/

    вот тебе...там много чего интересного

    А если по теме то вот Включение русского чата - http://lineage2classic.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1109-встроенный-русский-сурдоперевод-xd/&do=findComment&comment=10395(файл Localization.ini скопировать в "Папка с игрой\System")

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