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Posts posted by ezsembler

  1. Cons:
    -l2 off will have age of splendor, we are still 1.0 here.
    -we still have things that need to be fixed, mainly 9 ppl party.

    -no-lifers left this server, it has became more casual.
    -antibot system, most softs dont work anymore, very few bots now.
    -can play for free.
    -very well thought GM shop.

    Server is not really,really crowded, but at peak hours you wont find empty rooms in cruma and most 40+ solo areas will have at least 2 people doing something there :). This answers to your last question, you will be able to find decent parties to farm but if you wanna have fun join a clan with good leadership and management- because people are very pvp averse when in party with randoms.

    Cheers ! :)



    don't forget about selling COL = donate is op​

  2. Я прогнал серв через прогу,сейчас показывает онлайн 3.4к.Вечером больше 5.2к не видел.думаю серв долго не проживет(


    меня все устраивает. У воинов людей вообще халявный топ нг лук и кинжал, если они не собираются быть тх и сагитариусами ?

  3. I've found that in this server... Don't know why does it happens. But I had it several times... You try to move you get teleported back. You try equip unequip anything from inventory you get teleported back... Stuck like hell... Then you try something to type you get auto disconnect :D  Reloading game client fixes it but after some time it occurs.

    ​​last time was in beta