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About Valeboo

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  1. ​​I am not the face of RF. I can and I do ​+1. Arguing for russian because i don't want to see transliteration in all chat. it's horrible.
  2. ​Many russians can't communicate in english. They just know english names of weapons materials etc.. They know Stone Of Purity - SOP. If they want to buy SOP you'll see message like "WTB SOP". They understand "how many?" and "how much?", but sometimes they don't see the difference. Trade is possible. Believe me, If they want to sale item faster they will try to write in english. I am from Ukraine and i have no problems communicating in english. But portuguese and spanish is still a problem for me. Also have some understanding of polish because ukrainian and polish sounds the same in many cases. If we can not use russian - we will write in transliteration. I togda zametit' raznicy mejdy angliskim i russkim vam bydet ewe slojnee, ne pravda li? (then detect the difference between english and russian will be even harder for you, won't it?)
  3. Buy PA. Stop whine. Купи ПА. Прекрати ныть.