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About Plocterist

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  1. It think they should add like a combo for new clans or new groups of people to come to server and get a lvl 40 toons with low c grade gear.
  2. First of all i dont care whether you drop or not, i came to play here knowing i could drop but i would like it if they changed that. In my opinion theres 3 factors that have to be analyzed: 1. People use auction to buy items with real money. Dropping items make people think twice about investing money and as we all know the server needs incomes to function. 2. Server has a stable clan war between two sides, but little by little the randoms who make the economy work are disapearing. Dropping items for a random, because people come stun while making trains is a turn off. The population doesnt allow for people to find people to play with so that you always play with friends. Its hard enough to farm gear and dropping because a nerd is just looking for people to stun them, because you get a lag spike, bad geodata in alligator island is not fun. L2 isnt what it used to be in 2003, you cant no life like before. 3. It will come to a point where people will have over enchanted gear that took months to farm like the case of saruman. I dont like saruman i think he is a nerd, but i dont want to loose enemies like him because of item drops. I dont want other peoples gear, im not a noob i can farm my own. I want pvp not loose players.
  3. Hey staff we understand your working on this 1.3 update and that it takes time, but can you give an official statement on what you guys are working on and what we can expect if its same as official or you plan on taking another direction.
  4. Hello, I just read server is going 1.3 first then 1.5, and im not asking when this update will be made. What i would like to know is if someone can explain to what new things happen in the update 1.3, so i know what to expect.
  5. Buenas Aristo a ver si me podes ayudar con las siguientes preguntas!! 1. Cuantas personas tienen? 2. GMT 3. Tienen experiencia de PVP en otros servers?