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Everything posted by JloBuKpuToK

  1. Why you asking the reward then? You must post it in youtube as we asked you. Report form:1) Date and time of bot detection2) Location3) Nicks of botting characters4) The reference to video proofs (upload on YouTube or other web hosting, Video should be at least 2-3 minutes long, and not 10-20 seconds and 720p +) Only after this you will get reward ( if they really was bots. ) ​yes yes next time i know wath to do...good luck
  2. i can se video in Replay only i donth know how to show you on skype i can show my display and you can see it.... but i understand all
  3. в другой раз я REPORT на бота не нажму и на форум писать не пойду . это награда только вам в карман 5 евро освободится из тюрьмы. долголетия вашей справедливости перцы,вот вам пример граждане.
  4. so this 2 bots dont have nothing ? ​ http://lineage2classic.com/forum/index.php?/topic/4775-bots-now/ and its my job wear reward? 09.11.201523.52 GMTglutamina09.11.201523.52 GMTcreatina
  5. Its 100% reward or just bla bla bla?
  6. ​thx,for information 1st time
  7. JloBuKpuToK

    Boting Now

    Glutamina,Creatina - this char botting now in Execution Grounds 2 people get report for him and nothing , bot hunters chek this..
  8. never use befor bot. sry!
  9. Лук ищу кп скайп Jondou2
  10. ​http://lineage2classic.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3543-planned-restarts/ Chek here
  11. ​Пока нет,но если не кто больше не отпишет то буду качать 28 и отпишу, спасибо за внимание!)
  12. Ищу Ренж КП *Луко кп* прайм с выше 10 часов в сутки! Skype: jondou2