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Isoroku last won the day on December 26 2017

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About Isoroku

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  1. On user request, link in first post refreshed with direct link to github (indirect Release MSG Editor v0.7 · isorokuYam/L2-Classic-MSG-Editor · GitHub). As I didn't update app itself and I'm not playing, I can't quarantee that everything will work with current version of L2 client. Please remember about backup.
  2. Hello, some small updates, link in first post. 0.7 added, 0.6 still available if there will be problems with new version Now simple view is reloading only when accepting changes in advance view. Also is not fully reloading, when apllying changes in one row. Added Hope that necroing own thread like this is nothing wrong
  3. Hello, after another few years of break, I came back to L2 (probably again for short time :D). As maybe some of you remember, I've created simple editor for system-messages colors. Soon I'll upload new update for it. Anyway, in old time I've had idea for calculator, which allows you to input number of mats which you have and calculate how many do you still need for recipe or recipes. But because I didn't play some time I don't know if maybe there are some similar tools in use. And also I don't know if anyone would be willing/in need ot use it as this are not times, when even D/C items creation was a thing for many people and as I saw now guys with B grades are farming low lvl RB with full drops ^^ And maybe it's better to just buy full item than geting mats for it if you are not a crafter. So now i'm asking for opinions, if it's worth to start working on app like this: calculator for recipes and materials.
  4. About messages color - check Suggetions section (pinned thread, last posts in it) for ready files and Gameplay section for editing tool.
  5. Long time Probably still there are people how would to use this tool, but unfortunately main domain again expired and mirror is not premium only. Now I've changed main link to link directly into webhosting without regular domain so it will not expire (but looks strange). About any changes - I'm not sure if I still have code of the program somewhere and used subprograms. Maybe after Zekken update I will try to find them.
  6. It's hearthwarming that someone remember me and that tool But I dont even know if old one is still working as I wasn't running L2 from that time And if it will be working with new update. Also for now I don't know what else usefully tool I could do (with know how ;))
  7. Hello guys. After long break, I've wanted to check if I could run good, old L2 in my job with connection through Hamachi to my laptop with mobile internet with proxy server, to test this solution before setupping this stuff on my home PC with stable connection. I've downloaded L2 and patch and I could even login into the game and kill some mob, but with ping 200, so... And with DC. Then I've tried if would be same if I will connect laptop to my phone internet instead of company network. Before this I've run server patcher to e sure that everything is updated, But then problems has started. AV has taken updater exe into quarantine, but hey, I can still run by L2.exe, right? But from this time everytime, when I enter credentials, game is crashing on loading screen, before showing my characters. I thought that it's company laptop problem with some software blockade or server patcher is bugged. But I installed now L2 on my private laptop and it's exacly the same. The error is classical Windows "Application has stopped working".
  8. It was some timer ago, but as I remember I added an option to change some sounds, but couldn't give to much because of changed names in client. Now I can't check if I was any close to use all sounds available in game. But for surę I changed at that time spoił sound for myself.
  9. Some event messages arę duplicated from older chronicles. You have to find one with proper text. As Temudjin said, you have to find "inflicted" messages.
  10. Yeah, some problems with hosting of the site. For sure was working short time after domain update. I've added mirror with 3rd party uploading site.
  11. Hi. I'm not playing any more, but I've updated the link. My previous domain expired, thx for info. As for ready systemmsg, check this post: I've done this for myself and shared in linked topic.
  12. Take that which you like most. Everyone at the end will be usefull.
  13. "Welcome to the World of Pinkage II".
  14. You know, generally every .exe in internet can contain virus no matter what main program do Especially .exe for non-official client for some MMO @Anytime VirusTotal scan: