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Posts posted by Nekrophilim

  1. Oh my, I cant even comprehend how retarded some people are here... Fake server, there is no server, cake is a lie and so on. Grow up please.
    I dont know what happened, that previous OBT was closed and forums were down for more than a month, I'm not sure what happened to previous OBT files and I'm not even sure why didnt they open OBT yesterday, even if they had problems. Unless those problems were related to server stress or something like that.

    But when some people say, that server is fake and they dont have any files just makes me want to shoot people in the face. Why, ffs, WHY would they make a fake server? I played this OBT before, it had some bugs, and we couldnt even level past lv35, since it was capped. But it did work, it had L2 Classic features. Isnt it obvious, that NCSoft or Innova would never give their files to a private project? Ofcourse it's not retail, but it doesnt mean its L2j. Have you ever played in a L2C3 off server? Not single one C3 server ever had retail files, there always were bugs, features missing, but that doesnt make it a java server.

    So please, stop this nonsense, cuz you only make fun of yourself. The only question I have, what was the problem, that postponed the OBT opening.

    ​Read drakla post, and -"shoot him in the face"-

    he said they dont have l2classic off files.


    who cares if its l2off or l2j, the truth is that this isnt l2classic, they lied on all of us


    ​He said, that they dont have official files, that Innova would base their server on, if they decided to release it, at least that's how I understood it. But they do have L2off files (I played it on previous OBT), and not just emulated L2j. Countless servers were running on L2off, that wasn't actual retail files (buggy drop rates, buggy geodata and some skills), and L2j is just sad (or at least it was back when I was playing).

  2. Oh my, I cant even comprehend how retarded some people are here... Fake server, there is no server, cake is a lie and so on. Grow up please.
    I dont know what happened, that previous OBT was closed and forums were down for more than a month, I'm not sure what happened to previous OBT files and I'm not even sure why didnt they open OBT yesterday, even if they had problems. Unless those problems were related to server stress or something like that.

    But when some people say, that server is fake and they dont have any files just makes me want to shoot people in the face. Why, ffs, WHY would they make a fake server? I played this OBT before, it had some bugs, and we couldnt even level past lv35, since it was capped. But it did work, it had L2 Classic features. Isnt it obvious, that NCSoft or Innova would never give their files to a private project? Ofcourse it's not retail, but it doesnt mean its L2j. Have you ever played in a L2C3 off server? Not single one C3 server ever had retail files, there always were bugs, features missing, but that doesnt make it a java server.

    So please, stop this nonsense, cuz you only make fun of yourself. The only question I have, what was the problem, that postponed the OBT opening.