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About TYR

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  • Birthday 07/25/1987

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  1. Hey Guys! How long will i have wait for "moderator confirmation" when i buy something in action Read on some posts that people have waited 4 days ?
  2. There is a minor aspect of P2W on this server.. but Its just a minor one. the amount of RL money you need to spend to get a top d set is just crazy.. Sure it gives you an advantage over your opponent who don't have it but its not like people are running around with +16 S80 Foundation and epic jewl sets when the rest got A grade
  3. pm "ASTER , i want that tarbar
  4. TYR

    server problems ?

    Yup! I mailed stuff to my char, money is gone but empty mail got sent. i cant finish my quest either...
  5. TYR

    WTB TARBAR 1.3kk.

    WTB Tarbar 1.3kk! Send mail to ASTER in game
  6. Sounds good . ill check it out
  7. I don't see any problems with the books being really hard to get. Its just more items that makes you super happy to get once you have them As soon as the majority of players get to 40-50 the books will drop in prices though. As with all things in life.. supply and demand....
  8. ​Worth doing ? Its not like the other quests were you turn in 400 marks and get 4067 adena ?
  9. ​Not using SS is out of question. That is the limit of my patience lol. ​You can of course use your shots for beginners how ever you want since they are free.. But you need to calculate your losses once you run out, Its not worth it. Lets do some math: Mid no-grade mage weapon uses 2 spiritshots. Theese cost 16a each. You need 2 skills to kill a ~20 mob = 4 spirit shots = 64a per kill. a 20 mob will drop around 50 - 120 adena. If you then calculate the fact that 30% of the mobs don't drop adena you can quickly see that its not smart to use shots. Not using consumables = 100% adena in your pocket. Using consumables full out = 0 - 15% adena in your pocket in early levels. Be smart with your cash
  10. I see allot of bots but I don't really care... They don't bug me. However... Have you guys played on retail ? There are probably 2 - 3 bots online per player... Don't cry about this server and its anti bot not working because its really not that bad. On retail you see bot party's with dwarfs named BOT0001, BOT0002, BOT00003 etc. all over the place. Now that sucks ass ! I think this server will stand its ground vs Innova. 100% Classic is not really popular on the western markets.
  11. Yo Guys ! I've been playing since 2004 so I am happy to get back to the grind, thanks for this server guys - its much appreciated. Now I got a question since I am new to the classic servers. Question: Can you play L2 Classic solo? To clarify what I mean: The adena rate is so low on classic that I see problems playing alone and getting enough cash to buy/craft your gear alone. Its no problem on 1x retail but this is a totally different story. I got 2 chars now on level 25 and at this moment money seems to be okay if you play smart but what about the higher levels? At the moment I don't have to use any consumables to level but I reckon that will end at around level 35-40 which forces me to buy shots and so on. And we know that using 2 spells with spiritshots d will cost me around 60 - 90 adena to kill 1 mob, depending on your weapon & mob of course... Conclusion: Is it still doable or should I stop wasting my time and join a clan? Cheers !