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About Deribas

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  1. so yeah, if someone will need a mage for an actives on euro prime - catch me in PM
  2. full russkiy side eto fail iznachalno na takih serverah, vseh dolzhno bit' porovnu :]
  3. bump, no epics left etc, just some A grade stuff and so, not more than couple of hours per day, EU only, nu i russkie toje podoidut, esli vi tut voobshe ostalis lol PM
  4. yes, "agreement" stands exactly for that
  5. Hey, if this server is still alive on recruitments then I wanna search some relax mage CP if it's even exist here. Timezone - well, CET, but I don't really care on evenings or daytime since I am working 2/2, so I will have very low amount of time in the days when I'll working and will have a lot on further "weekends" through the month, so it's really about to agreement between me and rest players in CP, so yeah, catch me here on private message if interests.
  6. Hi. I wanna find mage CP or clan with activites for me. Necro lvl 72. Europrime activities.