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Posts posted by grone

  1. Folks, 

    It is true I said on Monday we will announce information about the development status but unfortunately had no time, we are very busy working on the project. I'll do my best to make that announcement today, just have patience we are here working daily on it even if we don't announce it.

    ​thanks for reply !

    ​Indeed, thanks!.

    • Like 1

  2. You can get 4 accounts running with 2 premium and 2 PC's in the same house if 4 accounts is what you want.

    No one ever said anything about 4 accounts on 1 computer.

    ​He is talking about a pc, running 3 boxes, paying 2 premium. I read everywhere 1 account, and 1 more if u go premium. Thats all.

  3. We are not hunting any bots on OBT, also we did not implement our bot protection system.

    ​I assume that this is not implemented yet and you will implement it on the future, right?

    ​OBT seems free to bot, but this is good because more beta players will report bugs at higher lvls.

    But when the server gores live. Will it still fre

    ​Theres nothing 100%... just do your part, if you see bots, report, also theres rec button, for obvious reasons :)

  4. Demasiada estupidez de un nene que no tiene otra cosa que hacer (obviamente le sobra el tiempo) y se desquita en un foro, no se porque todavia anda aca si tanto le molesta que le mientan xD.

    Parece poca gente o todos andan en gludin/gludio xD... el foro dice otra cosa :)