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Everything posted by Unno

  1. ​contact support and ask for exchange into different weapon i would suggest sword
  2. ​If its the case,weapon should appear as etc like demon fangs in example.
  3. ​1. Print Screen 2. Open paint 3. Paste (ctrl+v) 4.Save as jpg. 5. upload picture to fileshare website or attach here.
  4. prob 70% of server population spent real money if not for col,but defo for adena. adding auction house will make this servitor more p2w , no1 want to sell items for adena if they can put it into auction and get real money , bad move from team,but probably they fell the need the need for cash its xmas time,gifts costs a lot in shops , lets w8 for europe classic and see if this servitor has future
  5. ​So how you ban them? give bans to all account on same ip or something like that.
  6. ​you know you dont need to lie. its impossible a shop staying for 5 days since i log in game at least once per day to run towns for shops and almost everyday i ban ppl for that. if you tell me he stay there for almost all day i might almost believe you, when you say that some one stayed in dion for 5 days with shop selling adena its a lie and you being a bad bad boy. the chars selling adena are getting chat banned by the chat moderators and later banned by us. if it bothers you so much you can allways take a small print of it and send to one of us in skype, if its too much work for you then its cus proly doesnt bother you that much. ​Near Dion gk char was for 4 days i saw it since i started playing here.
  7. ​do your duty make a screen and report them. I don´t see a single thread from you in the report section. ​And you wont. If gm cant find time to clean servitor i dont care,my whisper chat is disabled after i reached gludin town.
  8. The 9/9 should work by next week if u trust engineers,the biggest upset for me is GM activity,there are like 10-15 chars who are selling adena and they are not getting banned,dion has shop with website in title which sells adena hes there like for 5 days since i started playing here. It would take like 1 hour per day for gm to log in and just ban the ones spamming chat etc.
  9. ​Server is only like 6 weeks old,what sort of upgrade you are talking about? My gang started like 3 days ago,even we dont want upgrades yet,lets keep this way