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About Naitomea

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  • Birthday October 2

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  1. Naitomea

    WTB Tarbar

    As tittle says wtb Tarbar. Pm in game Greyhound Bought
  2. pedes pm naitomea , I apply to TeaParty apo to clan finder
  3. pm Naitomea τώρα ξέκίνησα clan ​clan name: TeaParty ελληνική/international relaxed
  4. Clan TeaParty looking for relaxed people to enjoy the game. ​Clan just started no special requirments yet. Clan LvL 1 +3% Clan Luck ​PM: Naitomea or contact via clan search
  5. Νέο ελληνικό και international clan ψάχνει για μέλη ​PM: Naitomea clan name: TeaParty Clan LVL 1 +3%
  6. Greetings happy 2016, ​was wondering abt selecting proxy, where 's the eu proxy located compared to Germany in order to achieve better pings?
  7. Naitomea

    Happy New Year!

    Happy new year!! Always keep up the good work!
  8. Seems to be a visual bug, ​weapon name: Mage Staff for newbies - 7 Days in description it says it uses 1x Spiritshot ng but in action it uses x2 item I was using was spiritshot ng