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Everything posted by ~Seraphina~

  1. Hi! I couldn't find an 'introductions thread' on this forum, so I decided to make one. I'm a long time player from Norway who just made my toon here on this server. My main is a 22 Shilien Oracle, and I would love to get more friends (preferably ones who do a lot of AoE =P ). I use voice chat and even though I'm in a clan which I am faithful to, I do like playing with tonnes of different people, so feel free to PM me ingame on 'SeaMonster'. =) Thank you! <3
  2. Hey! Carnage as in Carnage carnage? as in trunks,aumador,mcdonaldsburgers carnage? Just applied, btw. =)
  3. Hi! I'm a long time L2 player and I decided yesterday that I was going to give this server a chance. I play casually and almost every day, and will most likely make an EE, SE or Prophet. A lot of the international clans I see threads about on here, are saying they are 'full' etc. and I get that, but the clans do eventually level up and get more slots, so in my opinion it shouldn't matter as long as everyone is on teamspeak or ventrilo anyway. This is why I am searching for an English speaking clan that actively uses voice chat. I'm Norwegian but my playtime hours are versatile so I can play whenever. =) I'd also like some fluent English speakers as friends to level with because soloing in this game is atrociously boring. Thanks!
  4. Well, considering this server is just as broken as it was several months ago, it doesn't seem like a project they can really fix within the next few months (if at all). They can try to fix as many bugs as possible, but the core mechanics will never be Classic, as it seems as though buffs/debuffs/mobs++ and other core mechanics are taken from High5 and modified to work with the Classic client. That's why me and a few others are sticking with real classic, and yes, it's japanese, and yes, it has L2Store because it's free, and yes, there are a lot of bots near starter villages. However, the English patch works fine for basic stuff, but you do have to use quest guides online to get quests done without making guesses and mistakes. The L2Store mostly sells scrolls and shots, and no gear of any kind, however they are currently (temporarily) selling BEWD and BEAD because people buy adena from bots instead of selling shots on the market from L2store instead, and NCsoft has to make enough money to make ends meet. After all, they're not doing charity. The bots are around starter villages, but near 15+ areas, you won't see many bots anymore, however they can be trained/stunned and drop some mighty fine gear when they die. I see bots as wandering piñatas I can crack open and see what items pop out of them, though doing trains is difficult unless the mobs are social with the ones they are currently killing. If you have high ping, there is a patch to make WTFast and Battleping work. It helps a lot. The clan is low level atm, but I am working on getting it leveled up. English is a must.​ I don't mean to talk negatively about this private server here, but let's be realistic; taking a piece of crap and wrapping it in silver foil and paper doesn't make it chocolate. It's still a piece of crap. http://classicharbingers.enjin.com/home https://www.facebook.com/groups/683223111824005/?fref=ts
  5. Kind of unprofessional to postpone the beta the very day it is supposed to launch. They lose a lot of people because of this, and it does not seem like they care about their players, as they could have told us they couldn't make the deadline at least a week ago. They must have known they wouldn't be able to make it. Disappointing. =/
  6. Elders? The Elderly? Senior citizens?
  7. I like it. =) It's funny how everyone reads this thread, but noone replies. It's like people just shake their head and click on the back arrow.
  8. Hi! So, I've been fiddling around on the RU Classic for a while now, and I've decided that running around as a tourist lost in translation isn't quite the thing for me, though I did learn some stuff. давай сука блйат and other useful words and phrases that seemed to get people's attention there. Anyway! I'm now here looking for a gang sweaty basement dwellers to join. I'll play anything as long as it's not an Orc or a Bishop, and teamspeak/ventrilo/mumble is a MUST. I've played L2 since the beginning of time and been in many clans on many servers, most of which you have never heard of. My time zone is planet earth and that means I can play whenever, though I live in Norway. I'm an adult and will not talk smack nor will I engage in any sort of pissing contest. I will however always defend my clan or CP by part-taking in the PvP that has been engaged, though I humbly feel there is no need to be a prick towards other people. ...unless someone has named their toon something horrible like xXxWarriaRxXx , as such names make me wonder if there's actually something that would qualify as a 'human being' behind the character or maybe someone just left their laptop too close to the ape cage at the zoo and one of them miraculously created an account, logged in and made a character. Hundredth monkey effect, right? Could be! ...Be warned.. I sometimes talk a lot in chat. Remind me not to drink coffee. Maybe apes are actually smarter than us, they've just been pretending all along as spies for the ape overlords which have been controlling humanity from a far for centuries, but I shouldn't be revealing this.. So basically I can play almost anything with anyone as long as their english is good and voice chat is used daily, so hey, I just got here and this is crazy, but here's my thread so pm me maybe. =)