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About Liamxroy

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  1. Liamxroy

    paysafe card

    Τα pin απο Ελλάδα δεν επιτρέπονται στο G2 .. Δυστυχώς
  2. Liamxroy


    ​After 15 lvl if you add any NON Newbie(15lvl) soulshot/spiritshot/blessed in the bar it doesn't work in order to activate just one you need to make it auto --> remove auto --> use
  3. For Dualbox or Triple box etc .. you need PA or 2+ PCs I got that error when I v tried to login just 1 account on 1 pc I waited 5 minutes and it worked fine.
  4. Liamxroy


    I just make a coffee and it worked but now soulshots is my main problem ( they doesn't work at all )
  5. Liamxroy


    I just started on this server and I can't play because I'm login in too fast ! I delete system folder and do a full check .. same error Do not search for people online when you can't keep the one who just started..
  6. I just started in this server with 2 chars 17 and 11 lvl and I can't play because Antibrut says that Im login in too fast and you want people online ? What tha hell is going on with this server ?