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Everything posted by Kraha

  2. ahh 74 for me now is impossible i mean its good for low level 40-50 ;d now i try my old archer 35 lv and its not bad, but still hard alone w/o too many buffs
  3. i probably will play again but alone, probably PS. good try?
  4. Srsly, i dont wanna pay atm for PA - dualbox. Dunno how long i will play here. L2 is too old game and i'm too old for playing everyday many hours it's weird for me w/o dualbox (and for more ppl)
  5. How about newbie spots? Cause probably i will leave chars 30-40 and restart again. And still no dualboxes? just for PA?
  6. Hello, as I title - i'm just wondering how now looks server? Is it good time to rejoin it? Many bugs are fixed/solved? Or not. What about online, economy and newcomers? Cheers, K.
  7. so still not so good. i was hope that they change it
  8. I dont wanna making new topic so i want to ask here. Dualbox is still disallowed?
  9. still i've for sale Sword of Revolution +6 pm in game "Policjant "Strazak
  10. As title said, i want to sell Sword of Revolution +6 and Sword of Revolution +0. Leave your offer here or send me pm in game (iKraha or Strazak). Cheers!
  11. Kraha

    up w 1.5

    wystarczt przeczytać patchnotes a dodane chyba w poniedziałek po 11
  12. Kraha

    up w 1.5

    Sam exp i sp nie beda ruszone, zas chodzi tutaj o drop i szanse dropu, ktore z x3 (gwoli scislosci nie jest to czyste x3, tylko raty retailowego classica x3, co w rzeczywistości nie daje chyba nawet x2) beda zredukowane do x1, poniewaz ncsoft od classica 1.5 podniosl drop itp. Dziwna decyzja, zeby zredukowac do x1 skoro sam exp sp i adena sa na wyzszym poziomie. Tyle zrozumialem z szybkiego przegladniecia tematu na temat zmiany rejtow.
  13. But 1/2 of the online're offline shops
  14. ​still online is too low and i think admins should make any moves to take more players to the server as i see on few forums that threads about server are almost dead. nobody care
  15. We need more ppl at all, thats true that server is a lot empty but i dont thino that admins should allow dualboxes or add more things and stuff to donation list. Admins should make advertisment event, video concept event etc. Find few ppl that are from different countries and will help with adv at many l2 related forums/sites or help to verb more ppl from them countries. Also should provide vote system like if you vote you will receive various goods that are just cosmetics. Admina need to make any moves to keep server alive.
  16. ​We set it free for so much time because event about free offline shops wasn't working for 2 weeks. That's why we give more then week of free shops. Next time after we fix it - will be only Thursday and Sunday for free shops. ​Today's thursday and i cannot set free shop, why?
  17. Kraha


    1. Great Spear x2 2. Poniard Dagger 3. Recipe: Theca Leather Gaiters 4. Recipes for D grade soul and spirit shots (packs) Pm here on in game iKraha
  18. Its only your opinion and your idea about donation etc. At all around servers its normal that all players are allowes to set offline shops, cause economy of server will be better, but as i said, its just your idea for this server.
  19. so? only in those 2 days offline shops will be free? why not at all time ?
  20. So, yesterday only one-time I was been able to set offline shop, when I try it to do today I got this same message like before. So offline shops will be free or what? It's sick if this kind of staff will be payable or something. I think all of players should be able to use that command to use offline shops. Why you (admins) didn't set it to free? Obviously you said you did it.
  21. i cannot set it free all the time really nice