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Everything posted by Kraha

  1. Kraha

    Help me

    join and try to count nobody really know
  2. Kraha

    Help me

    i dont understand what you say, but if you want to know how much players're playing here i can only say that so much not to small not to big count of em
  3. So, is it trully free or what? I was trying on 3 chars and at all i was getting message that need item...
  4. ​1) It will not work free from 23:00 till 00:00 server time. 2) You can have only 1 free offline shop. ​I try it now, havent any offline shops and still cannot set any. So what is wrong?
  5. Kraha

    summons mana regen

    How much mp and how often summons regen mana? after 2nd class still regen it or not?
  6. Thanks for replies guys. Its good to see that almost all supports will be needed
  7. He wont to join const party, cause of time of playing. Just take smtimes ant parties or group
  8. What about pp or se? Dont needed so much?
  9. Which class is most needed on higher lvl on classic? I would to know which will be more needed in parties or small groups to support them? My friend is thinking about se or ee, but he can play any of dupport class, but dunno which one will be better. Discuss...
  10. I think they can. IF will start tomorrow
  11. I play here and my 2 friends will come in next days do IF u will be interesem we can play together. Its depend of how much time you play cause we are casuals
  12. ​I know this and yes, it will be nice that admins will choose once that looks like classic chronicle. About login background I see once with 'village' and basic look, not like GoD's one and take few bootscreens and it will be nicer than ncsoft do. You admins should take care about it. It's small thing but will look better.
  13. Yee, i was think about that, that ncsoft s**k on this things and don't care about players. Thanks
  14. Hi, Is it normal, when you launch the game i didn't saw an classic chronicle boot screen, login background etc but all of them is from GoD Chronicle?
  15. Okey, i'll keep it in my mind, but i've got one more question, are here playing 'thons' of players or server is a lil bit empty?
  16. just want to hear that on the server i will find a lot of ppl from PL i want to start playing here with friends so we will looking for any clan or group for play together
  17. Hi, I'm looking for any polish group or clan that's playing here and will still play. Any?