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Everything posted by Buttman

  1. I im asking all clan leaders and members if the GM should look forward to give clan leader possibility to have acces of the Community Command Panel like that leaders will be able to give info to members when they log in the game about raids/wars/events/rules and more . that will provide the clan leader to give some task/info to member when they not online or write thing they dont want to repeat xxxxx time in the day to make sure all members r on the same page Plz vote in numbers no fake account Regards Buttman
  2. ​Exactly. Mizuno (aka Chevignon now) bought bilion of bress and they were leveling clan skills (thats why he add sentence "10% exp and clan wind walk" to his recruiting shout spam in giran. ​OMG You don't know even how to level up CRP but guys from your side have such huge ego, tutor how to lvlup: create clan 3lvl with 15+ members declare war to your main clan Kill twinks from twin clan with chars from main clan. profit. OMG seriously guys... Did you ever play l2 before? ​"OMG OMG OMG".... Lets be serious, I know how to farm CRP... but for someone like Mizuno (unlimited cash, dedicated unfair player) it is too complicated and boring create lv3 clan, 15 characters and killing after that... Link ​Well, considering the topic here, its about having a bunch of pvps.. from 8-1282 pvps, which would mean, we have a lvl 3 clan, 15 characters, and killing after that, So. Kure, where do you come up with this buying Brez idea? because. We wouldn't need that many kills if I did it that way. I love the educated people we have here on these forums. Think before you speak pal... But, Anyway, don't hate on me that I have unlimited money. its called work. maybe something you may not know about, of maybe you do. just with a mcdonalds salary. You lack ability to comprehend a topic that's for sure. Anyway. enjoy the thread, I'm sure i'll be famous here too. - Mizuno ​I owe you an apology for this. Now i know you are using ex-Buttmans clan BBW as your CRP farm (I knew it even before your reply here but whatever). So, I am sorry. And where did I come up with that idea? Well you obviously did that before your first ban (look at the screen I linked). Anyway thanks for enlighten me about work, but I have one (and its not in McDonald´s). And I dont think I lack ability to comprehend text here, I just pointed out the way you farmed CRP before and I assumed you did it same way again (and I was wrong and already apologized for that). Yeah, you will be famous here too. Actually you already are. I think you are the most popular person now in l2classic.club (even more famous than Reaver), enjoy that. I can tell you that i dont like you, even i hate you for what you did and what are you doing now. But I can assure you I dont want to ban you until someone show me bulletproof evidence that you really bought Chevignon character. Until then it would not be wise from admins to ban you. Banning people based only on assumptions not on evidences is the way to hell for server. I think admins know that (thanks). In dubio pro reo. ​yes we r farming clan rep from BBW and im the one that come whit the idea thx
  3. ​Exactly. Mizuno (aka Chevignon now) bought bilion of bress and they were leveling clan skills (thats why he add sentence "10% exp and clan wind walk" to his recruiting shout spam in giran. ​OMG You don't know even how to level up CRP but guys from your side have such huge ego, tutor how to lvlup: create clan 3lvl with 15+ members declare war to your main clan Kill twinks from twin clan with chars from main clan. profit. OMG seriously guys... Did you ever play l2 before? ​Exactly. Mizuno (aka Chevignon now) bought bilion of bress and they were leveling clan skills (thats why he add sentence "10% exp and clan wind walk" to his recruiting shout spam in giran. ​OMG You don't know even how to level up CRP but guys from your side have such huge ego, tutor how to lvlup: create clan 3lvl with 15+ members declare war to your main clan Kill twinks from twin clan with chars from main clan. profit. OMG seriously guys... Did you ever play l2 before? ​i dont even know how these guys didnt knew that befor . its how we did cauz no academy yet and wait till the other clan skill will be activated everyone will do it ! and i agree whit u i think many ppl never play L2 befor or not smart enough or crazy enough to farm clan rep . what i can say its not fun to do it kill for hours char to farm rep
  4. okok there is the thing . every one know how to farm clan rep its not a news but ppl use to do it whit no name char and i forgot to take noname char i dont care about the PVP stats its like that we have farm clan rep in L2 story from all time till the official put academy ON so get use to it . lucky we only have 1 clan skill to learn cauz this would happen long time ago . u guys r just to noob to get it how to farm clan rep how many PVP u want me to have 2-3-4-5k ? wanna see that happen ? might happen soon so make a competition who is crazy enough to go up to 5k pvp
  5. Buttman


    ​you dont need to push anything, you need to w8 for stuff to be ready and thats when stuff gonna happen. as i said before, we do not have a "make this instantly ready" button, and we do not have nc soft feeding us the updates, we need to do stuff by ourselves, and that takes time. if thats too hard for ppl to understand i dunno what else can we do. this is not a starbucks shop where you go, you ask for what kind of coffee you want and they press the button and coffee is rdy. and about the PoBs no one said something would change, it was said we would think about it, if you ask me personally i think ppl should buckle up and farm them same way other clans did, still we think of ways to help newer clans without hurting old ones or make it unfair for old ones. you guys sometimes talk and act like everything should spin around you, but lemme remind you theres more ppl on the server, you are not the only one, and those ppl still managing to make their clans grow and get the levels so i dont think the problm is the PoBs. ​yea its why Nc soft back in time remove PoB and put the quest cauz its make no sens to farm 15k of PoB and we all know that Jstop did a trick at start of the server to get the first ally .... it took forever to perkunas to make the sec ally and and its the summer maybe u should realize that if u want more ppl on game .. event make it happen its like 2 month now nothing so teasing ppl about an update that will never come for month ... u guys should be a step ahead and always have a event ready to suprise ppl not wait till they start ask for it and please dont do event like the last one where ppl need to sit out of town thats was very bad event .... event for AKF ppl
  6. Buttman


    San0 where the EVENT and how long for update all other sever give event to change the mind of ppl ... like idk the LETTER EVENT that u need to make words why do we always have to push GM to have those things wake up guys we need to keep the population on sever and again what u guys doing about PoB u wait what to open aden ... every one lvl 70 + ..... and same story again will happen ppl will be to high to those place tank lvl 68 looking for clan whit ppl 60+ or what ever ill quit and sell my char and maybe get ban to say it
  7. ok i miss read but still this is major issu they need act faster than that im sorry i admit it and they say they fix it so restart now not tomorrow
  8. ​butt, stop using drug, sano said tomorrow, and i bet tomorrow is not friday ​i wish i was using some but im sober for 1 year now
  9. San0 has GM u cannot allow thing like that and make those taxes for days thing like this need to fix instant or temporary suspended do ur job god danmit reaver need to get 15% from buy and 10 % from sell
  10. ​ofc I will. ​oh i didnt know or i forgot lol
  11. wait hold on San0 ull let those taxes till friday nonono u need to fix that its not true that all the server will pay for that u guys need a fast restart right now im really not happy about the fact ull keep those taxes till friday u guys can make a restart to fix it like today its not true that ull let perkunas get those extra 10-12% more on taxes
  12. u will never get taxes from ppl that sell at shop only when ppl buy
  13. hi i dont know if anyone realize that the taxes is not right atm caus at the weapon shop the price pass from 1,560 000 to 1,960 000 that 25.64% of taxes ... and Spirit Ore now from 440 to 560 thats 27.25% Soul Ore from 275 to 350 it again 27.25% is the taxes suppose to be 15% and why the weapon shop and the grocery in giran dont match the same taxes rate ?
  14. hi i dont know if anyone realize that the taxes is not right atm caus at the weapon shop the price pass from 1,560 000 to 1,960 000 that 25.64% of taxes ... and Spirit Ore now from 440 to 560 thats 27.25% Soul Ore from 275 to 350 it again 27.25% is the taxes suppose to be 15% and why the weapon shop and the grocery in giran dont match the same taxes rate ?
  15. ​Anchor, Lighting strike, fear 100 % here.. almost regardless level difference... 5 lvl lower and still 100 % landrate... this is insane sh*t dont understand how it can not be fiexed yet.. rewrite landrate can not be so hard to do. ​i tiket and post about it for mouth now GM should do something it land on RB at 100% to all RB all time no fail its an exploit
  16. well Ninj4 u want the trick of that skill set a macro use deflec and remove ur jewel in same time and make an other one to put ur jewel back . like that u have low m def and it the deflect magic sucess the mage can 1 shot himself i test it in pvp so many time u just have to not forget to put back ur jewel after 8 sec Right now what is really bug still again after mouth telling and tiket the GM its the LIGHTNING STRIKE on SK that is land on PC , NPC and RB at 100% . in 12 years of L2 i never saw that befor that is OP the rate was and has to be 10% of paralize not 100% and where is the hook to grab mob or player on my feet for tanks
  17. and by make those Quest will not stop Mizuno progress to donate but give all other clan to progress and bring mor ppl on sever more ally in clan whit clan skill will also make ppl more donate in mid and long term cauz if more ally on server there will be less useless war that stop progress of members and create bigger war , more chance to player get castle etc u guys need to think like a GM and think like a player to. whitout take any side of it i think the clan quest is the best solution dont touch the CoL system mizuno can buy every thing he want i dont care. he have money good for him but the PoB thing IS A BIG PROBLEM whitout the clan progress small cannot fight VS high lvl clan or ally . and big clan can oppress player that not have the power to fight back SO PLZ AGAIN KOLL SAN0 KSE think about it the server need to be able to have more ALLY s for get more party easer to chat to do quest to xp to do party again war they have everyone will enjoy it only the ppl that have ally already will complain i know that for sure but its a process that the server pass trough one day or the other cauz the PoB thing cant be forever everyone know that
  18. well well finaly someone else talk about it................. the danm PoB easy way is to make the drop at high rate and drop alot of them each time . cauz u try to hunt some but omg 10-20 per hours max thats whit 2 room of krator/porta at this rate in 20 years i might get lvl 4 OR the gm need to active the quest for lvl 4 and lvl 5 quest at 1.5 its fun quest cauz u need clan party to do it and it make clan members get part of the clan not to be a slave that have to stay years in cruma and we not like Jstop that did a pass pass trick at the start of the server. some know what happen but i wont tell the detail these quest im talking about but we need 1.5 and Aden territory Proof of Clan Alliance Clan level 3 Sir Kristof Rodemai in Giran Alliance Manifesto Pursuit of Clan Ambition Clan level 4 Sir Gustaf Atheboldt in Oren Seal of Aspiration
  19. ​lol well im pretty sure u will participate ​depends of rewards ​well for my part only adena from the fee of the participants more participant we will have more the price might be good and if gms want to adds gift to could be very fun we can raise up fee to sing up but i calculate for 200k per player/1.8kk per team maybe 1.8kk for low lvl and for 60+ make it 500k each player so its 4.5kk per team ...
  20. ​lol well im pretty sure u will participate
  21. Dear members I propose a tournament at the Colisium if i can get help from the GM to put a GK and the arena manager at Colisium for WH/CP regen and HP regen there will be some rules to follow.because i wont be able check all members one buy one the rules will be : LVL 40- 49 so when ppl pm me i can see the little 40 on side of the pm or 40-51 and only C gear no glowing weapon +++++++++ LVL 52-59 C or B grade LVL 60+ All gear can be used Buffers/healer/recharger breff all support as to be in the party that is sing up no out side buff like "clarity" from a EE out party or G might/G shield things like that. There will be a fee to sing up for each party ( im not sure about the amount of the fee yet maybe 1.8kk per party its like 200k per player to make a good price at the end)and i hope GMs will help me in that so they can give price to the participants or something like that (brez/bsoe or small amount of CoL its going to be they choice maybe they will suprice use :D) Only one team per Guild can participate to the Semi-final and final Each step will be 2 of 3 i mean u need to win 2 time to win and pass the next step Due to the Siege each 2 week that is all time sunday the tournament should be the saturday for the reason 1: is more ppl on server saturday ( i think) and 2: maybe the weekend that is not the same of the seige For the time i dont know yet . what about the same time of the seige 18:00 ecst i think or something like that at saturday I will be the judge whit some other ppl that is trustable and not run whit money (and i know allready ppl saying :why should we give the adena to u . well idk i have nothing to say except the fact that im the one that will make the tournament happen and u want a PRICE at the end of it someone need to collect the $$ and give it to the winners and if Koll or San0 or both can help me that would be nice The way i will select the team that will fight the other team will be old school whit a bucket and the names of the leader of each party on a paper cauze i dont see other way to make it random Each grade (lvl 40-49/lvl52-59/lvl 60+) will have 2 tree form so the winner of each tree will fight the other winner at last im not gonna lie ill take 10% of the put like any place u go in realy life they do and some time they go up to 30% but 10% is sound fair cause the system tournament i propose going to be complicated maybe i should just do it for lvl60+ to test it see how ill be able to control everything Regard Buttman
  22. ​wise words. ​yes it is the quest is in the data base of the 1.5 and what u dont want play for fun or u just want rape the server and oppressing ppl what im saying is if the quest for lvl 4 and lvl 5 is there more ally will form and u guys will have more fun and the rest of server to im not going to pay 450kk for 15k of POB how im supose to find that money maybe i should just lets it go do my carebear my own thing and leave fight for other the day ull need competition tell me ill lead army again but now i quit this leave me and my clan alone im nobody now ill be the highes lvl in server no matter what ill take random ppl to party like i do all time maybe if i find clan member to help me ill fight again anyway im a tank who care about a tank....