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Everything posted by Snail
classic is a hardcore chronic, x20 is like a x5 in other
it shouldnt, but it does in the beta
whatever, you call me a retard and then proceed to say how you play whatever you want even if the class suck, so you are pretty much giving me the reason all along the idea of the thread is to discuss if daggers are viable or not, you stating that you will play whatever you want and you always did doesnt contribute anything to the topic so again, the one who came critiscing my point of view instead of contributing to the debate were you (still waiting for some insight on how daggers are viable and anything i said before is false) and dont even get me started on the buff part, cant belive im discussing with you, if you are even remotly competitive i asume you have full buffs, if your party setup dont include every buff your party needs to pvp you clearly are on another level tl;dr: you are a casual player who is mad that someone comes and declares all damage classes wich are not archers nor mages are inferior in this chronic
spare me the ego-boosting bullshits, i honestly couldn't care less if you're a casual or not. and no, you don't need to learn how to play "chronicles". that's the mentality of the usual "sheeps" that reroll to anything else that can kill their main class just because they're too bad to adapt to new changes in gameplay, and it's even more ironic when those people reroll to classes they used to talk shit about. what i mentioned before still stands. lol dude you are so fucking stupid, all your post is complet crap, you dont need to learn how to play different chronicles, really? you need to adapt? are you srs? tell me more about how you adapt in a chronic like -for example- c4 when mages have 95% m crit rate and archers 1 crit you down btw, ironic when ppl reroll in a different chronic? lmao, you are plain stupid what is ironic is ppl like you trying to defend a class that is COMPLETLY WORSE than others, only for the sake of defending a class that you like in a thread that is supposed to be a debate
hypocrisy? lmao every chronic is different, you need to learn how to play it, your comment is pretty stupid tbh, not everyone here are casual players fyi
dwarves make a lot of adena by selling keys and crap to the grocery, if you have an aoe party and you spoil festival you will triple the amount of adena you would have gotten if you lacked the dwarf, the problem should be mana sustain, but you can always have 1-2 elders outside the party
oh right, sleep and silence casting time used to be like 1sec, how is it now? sleep cast back on c4 was as fast as trance but lasted 30secs, you would sleep someone cancel him twice and procced to kill, ez since hb (maybe interlude?) the cast time of sleep is long, sucks in pvp silence i think always was a quick cast, but the reuse is kinda long yup, why do you think they added hide in classic 2.0? yeah, exactly, CAUSE THEY SUCK! they needed something to cut distance imo farming a char thinking about a future chronic is not worth it, but suit yourself
i love how you ppl talk about 1v1 pvp in open space like if it is something that happens every day, ever saw an archer beating a tank in olympiad?
man i hate ppl like this guy, there is not even a way to get lvl 70 in classic 1.0 you dumb moron, the highest mob in the game is lvl 60 get you facts right before talking all that big amount of crap, no one knows you and no one cares about you probably fake historys
archers can rape tanks, you gotta be kidding you do realize a tank gets out a bow and hit you 3 time harder than you will against deflect arrow/majesty/etc right? also if you expect to kite them and you get slowed you are also dead i think a DA can let his finger on the drain button and kill you with no problem you clearly think you understand much from this game, but for what you type i feel you have clearly no idea of how the game works
This is bullcrap, as much as it pains me to say it - L2 was never an mmorpg that needs lots of skills in PvP. Just pick a target and start mashing few skills. If you're a mage or archer - pick a target and mash skills while occasionally running away from your target. There's always some class that always beats the other with the exception of if the weaker class gets more lucky with critical hits and stuns. I like how so many people claim this. This is why you're going to get rolled in PvP. Anyways, not that it's that big of a deal. Server goes live soon and you'll see for yourself, :p. There's going to be a LOT of people bitching about me here, but I love the tears. I've been missing it. Things like this are awesome. And that wasn't farming n00bs. It was farming n00bs until their high levels came and then wiping higher levels/higher geared players of the same class (and other classes). But alas, L2C shall soon learn for themselves. There's actually quite a few references to me (I didn't even find out until years later, as I never visited the official forums, and one day decided to search my own char names to see if there was anything). It was fun, and I look forward to making the same marks here! I already started, but only got to 217 PKs before I got bored and decided to wait until live. P.S.: if you seriously think that L2 is a skill-less game, I'll personally prove you wrong later. Toss me a PM when you hit 75 and are geared, and I'll kill you on whatever class I hit 75 with first, :p. Not sure if that'll be dwarf, EE or Necro, but that gives you a 66.67% chance of at least having a LITTLE chance of winning. he was right actually, l2 is not that much of a skill game, also, lvl 75 in classic? funny you should get down from your horse
they were supposed to give info about this.. yesterday
just for the sake of discussion ill give my point of view from all the research i did about classic: Tanks: DA seems like the better option, paladin have nothing cool while DA have slow and panther. Tk/sk lack shield stun, in a slow chronic where the shieldstun may be higher lvl than the player who recieves it its a huge deal (skill lvl vs player lvl in the land rate equation). Also neither of those two have anything important compared to a spamable stun. And this is comming from a tk fanboy. Archers: HE or SR, they are both fine, sr has more base speed (get in mind dex dont afect speed anymore) and critical rate. HE have more brust speed and all around stats. PR always sucked in my mind, too little hp, low critical rate, high risk high reward i suppose, its a matter of taste here. Daggers: They all suck lmao, now srsly TH prob, good for pve and has the most hp, having in mind you will get 2-3 nukes/arrows until you get close to your target it is important. Also the brust speed is super important for a dagger. Mages: Necro for sure, the problem with necro is that sucks incredibly hard in pve, you need to have a cp/clan that can farm you while you play like a healer or something in an aoe party, srsly you cant farm with spike cause its crazy expensive and vc mana cost is too high, plus you lack normal aoe spells (only corpse brust wich requires a dead mob). Also cdl is not an option to farm everyday, you will eventualy miss a magic and die, you will end up farming slower. Not sure about pveing as a summoner tho, if the summons dont suck up any xp then it may be a good option, but you wont farm faster than any other mage since there are no pet shoulshots. If we talk about elemental mages sps is probably the better mage for the casting speed/speed/nice con, but again is a matter of taste, ss have amazing allaround stats too and sph (wich is the weakest in my mind) have amazing pve sustain. Elders: SE all day, better buffs and better heals, remember greater heals are like major heals here, so greater group heal is amazing. EE only has greater heal (no greater group). Resist shock and clarity (at lvl 58..) are nice but cant be compared to empower/focus/dw/purify and most important ROOT!, SEs keep lvling up root after lvl 40, EEs dont. Now that being said you will need both in any clan or cp, but i rather have more SEs than EEs. Buffers: Depends on what you are going to play and your party setup, if you are running a bishop and you need the lifesteal you can run a wc, but i feel prophets are the way to go 90% of the times, i really dont think bishops are a must in any party in classic, greater battle heal/mass res is not that much of a deal tbh and its all it has to offer compared to a SE. Now that said, wc offers something important in this kind of chronics that lacks nobless blessing, wich is the time you spend rebuffing the whole party. OLs are floating in to the same category, they offer nothing other buffers dont have, but they can buff a whole clan super fast plus they have debuffs and they can restore cp so they are a nice class, but not a must have, you kinda need 1 or 2 in a clan and i feel bishops go into the same category in this chronic.
im talking about how it should work, no need to test that its like asking if sleep is fast or slow in classic, it should be slow even if back on the day was a quick cast when i talk about fixes i also meant nerfs
Does mental shield work in classic like used to in old cronicles (80% resist on top of everything else)? Because if it does, then there are no roots and no sleeps to worry about. Slows always worked against any melee though. i dont think any skill work like in the older chronics, the skill that got a "fix" remained that way (sleep cast time, agression not working on pvp, cancel removing 90% of buffs, etc)
a ver gallego de mierda, si vos tenes que laburar 15hs por dia porque en tu pais de mierda se cagan de hambre es tu problema, te leo en todos lados tirando comentarios de mierda, es mas lamentable que vengas aca a tratar de dar lecciones de vida al foro de un juego con todo respeto alguien que no tiene nada que ver con esta cp perlo le pareces un gilipollas
si jugas con gente de confianza es al pedo, y si jugas con gente que no es de confianza la veo muuuuy jodida a que accedan a jugar con una cuenta creada por otra persona asi que la verdad no le veo mucho sentido
mas que las 10 horas creo que nadie va a querer jugar con un char creado por otra persona que ni siquiera conocen
daggers are inferior to both archers and mages in old chronics or old chronics alike like this one, taking out a bow if you get rooted/slowed is not an answer, and we are talking like if a dager can 1hit everything, and trust me is not the case asuming ppl knows how to pvp and asuming somehow you got close to mages undetected/unharmed you still need to deal with, for example, agression, and is a lot easier to agro a dagger than a 800range mage/archer you guys also saying things like "all mages will have devotion, duh", well, everyone will also have no grade jewels if thats the case ppl who like daggers will defend it, but the class is as crappy here as it was in the older chronics, and whoever says daggers are "as great as they were in c1" well, clearly understands as little about pvp now as he did back on the day i said it before and i say it again, any melee dps with no skill to cut distance are bad compared to the range ones just for how the pvp in l2 works now that i made my point clear, not saying that is impossible to play a dagger and kill ppl, the class is fun and all, but dont expect it to be even comparable to mages/archers partys
more like in c1 ppl sucked at playing the game, you play dagger you get rooted/slowed and you are usless, plus idk what kind of sever did you played, but until the introduction of element and skills to cut distance daggers where trash, all chronics until gf where mage/archer chronics btw, if you want to call my point invalid make a real argument edit: if you expect a balanced game you are playing the wrong chronic lmao
daggers are usless in this chronic, no cleanse = cant remove either roots nor slows, also no way to cut distance since you lack both shadow step and hide
i like old chronics too but calling gf a shit chronicle.. i think you went too far i mean the only good thing of gracia is territory wars soo... yea kinda sucks i know you ppl like old chronics since you remember the good old days, but cmon, c4 was crap, 95% mcrit rate, 1 crit dead from an archer, half the clases where usless, etc gf was the 1st stable chronic in my mind, not saying it was perfect, mages still kinda op and archers needed a perfect setup to be playable, but still, far more balanced than c4 and all those old chronics
So yeah, any idea where is the server hosted? also interested on knowing if the real server will be hosted in the same location than the obt
i like old chronics too but calling gf a shit chronicle.. i think you went too far