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ElayJoQQ last won the day on November 7 2018

ElayJoQQ had the most liked content!

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31 Excellent

About ElayJoQQ

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 06/26/1992

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  1. отдыхаю от оффа, ласт апдейт не заехал
  2. Время идет нихуя не меняется на клабе , дайте угадаю привел 1 лвл твинка с блесресом и юзнул бсое?
  3. Малой ты гладиаторпавер?)
  4. ElayJoQQ

    Siege 04.11.18

    more interesting to play in the opposition , w8 upd and SV\GC RB every day will be fan without korea and china
  5. ElayJoQQ

    Siege 04.11.18

    few people =( bored on the siege
  6. how much % do you have ready patch Zaken?
  7. Не все есть много пачек которые от 55+ по рб бегают
  8. Делай Коня + ПП скоро апдейт закена будешь кайфовать
  9. Say, and so thank you for being here TOI is not like on the off server
  10. I played on Eu off and Ru Off 2 years. All servers have auto pick up as in Korea . What do not you like? it simplifies the game.
  11. https://eu.4game.com/lineage2classic/play/zaken/#PatchnotesContent
  12. This is a classic official patch Zaken , What do not you like? Don't like classic , don't play