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Posts posted by mthl

  1. Widze, ze bardzo rozgoryczony jestes. Nic to duze slowo zwazywszy, ze co chwile jest jakis fix. Orfen zgloszony nawet nie tydzien temu - bez przesady. Castle zgodze sie, ze nie trybi jak potrzeba. 

    Niestety nic lepszego na te chwile nie znajdziesz (chyba ze o czyms nie wiem?). Off odpada ze wzgledu na online, a z tego co slysze to ze Skeleth ludzie uciekaja wlasnie tutaj. Imo online mamy co raz wiekszy, wlasnie przez spore problemy na EU Classicu. Tutaj widze co raz wiecej nowych osob na forum jak i ig.

  2. online pada, topowe klany odchodza, ze zgledu na balans skilli, zbugowane lvl , debufy i epiki, admin nic nie naprawia, juz z 5 klanow topowych odeszlo, czyli ponas 150 ludzi

    powiedz mi jakie tam masz bugi na lvle debufy i epiki? Nagle po 9 miesiącach admini przestali pracować? :D

  3. Depends what do you mean by crowded. Yesterday I went to beehive silenos spot to check EWD spoil and I met 4 players (not spoilers) right there... people f.u.k.i.n.g. everywhere. I moved to giran castle area and there were 3 groups training =l. Sure this is not 5k online where you cant get own spot but its not GF/H5 with over 9000 pve areas.

    I see new CPs with levels 30-50 around. Some players leave, some start anew like on any older server but this is definitly not empty.

    Towns tend to be empty of shops because of free giran harbour marketplace where you can buy everything. 

    • Like 2

  4. Im am not certain about that but I thought you can block some of the nukers

    Interlude changelog

    The Wizard class attack spells have been changed to allow the target a chance to defend against the following:

    • Wind Strike, Aqua Swirl, Twister, Blaze, Death Spike, Prominence, Ice Dagger, Hurricane

    L2 classic wiki

    Using the shield gives a chance for extra protection from physical damage and some attack magic. The base chance to proc a shield of protection - 20%.

    • Like 1

  5. SWS/TANK zawsze się przydaje w party. Nie będzie problemu ze znalezieniem grupy pve raid/aoe. Dużo klanów szuka tych klas. Jeśli zdecydujesz się na hvy to też zaopatrz się w łuk, łatwiej o raid party. Ostrzegam, że tankowanie w pve polega na zbieraniu 99 mobów i bieganiu z nimi w koło, to samo raidy :P

    Archem też zawsze bez problemu znajdziesz raid party, do normalnego pve będziesz potrzebował klanu. Na wyższych levelach adena będzie dropić dość szybko, nie powinno być problemu. Do 40 powinieneś mieć przynajmniej 2kk + drugie tyle w dropach. Możesz też sprzedawać matsy przed B grade raczej nie będziesz kraftować, ceny top C broni/armorów są raczej dość dostępne.

    Na boxie najlepiej z PP latać, szybko dostajesz dobre buffy. WC przydaje się raczej jako main niż box buffer. I nie, nie ma tutaj petów.



    Moon Knight Armor  will kill the market of the D grade.

    ​You need something to attract new players. Server is quite old already so imo the way to go is to make leveling 1-40 easier. The game slowly starts to shape after you are 40+ before its just a pain. TBH pre-40 there is not much to enjoy. Pre 35 you barely can find a party as a nuker, any other class requires a bow to raid. And if you raid you hope that someone brings high level buffer for a raid and people have C grade bows so you can do it below 20min. You care so much about D grade market that beside top weapons and brig helmet/mithril gloves does not exist. People want to hit 40+ to enjoy clan parties and catch up more levels to factors and perhaps join sieges and wars. Nobody wants to lag behind.

    Do you know the feeling when you are level 30 you join raid party as a human knight with ng armor and top NG bow while 7 other members have top weapons / top +4,5,6,7 bows? Its "maybe I should start on some fresh server". 7 out of 9 lowbies are geared twinks.What actualy is not bad because it means there are new players around.

    Make server new-player friendly advertise it as such and the word will spread around that it is worth starting on because it is possible to catch up.

    • Like 2

  7. All the people who said NO to moon quest are already far past D grade and they just dont want to see everyone in the same D grade armor. No more than that. Ask any new player if he would like that quest implemented, obviously they would because it will help them catch up. 


    ​from perspective of new player, perkunas look too strong on daily pvps to boost em even more with more players, and ur clan looks like full of retards and handless ppl like bilboa, so i guess its the best to build 3rd side

    ​So you are building one rizos? Or are you "even more handicapped" than they are? Should be easy to overthrow retards and handless people :)

  9. The more free-staff is given, the less Classic it is. The less people will come.

    Its fine to give a bonus for new people as long as it does not go contrary to a main task of the project: being hardcore. Free pack no-grade was enough. More free buffs, weapons and soulshots will destroy the server: disencourage players to play with other people, destroy part of the economy (weapons, soulshots) and lower the population of more cities. Thats exactly the picture for newcomers between 1-20 level. Don't extend it to 20-40.

    ​Keep in mind that this is not official server and private servers tend to die quickly. New people are not willing to start on 8 months old server not because its "less classic" but they will have hard time catching up so they chose another fresh server. 

    Giving people mid D grade non-tradeable weapons wont destroy D grade economy. Anything below top shop and top D grade is worth as much as crystals are. For CPs farming D/C grade from scratch isnt that much of a problem, supports run in NG and give adena to DDs. However if you are new solo/duo player its a pain to run in NG armor till 40 level because you are saving adena for weapon while 80% of other lowbies are alts running with +7 D weapons.