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Posts posted by mthl

  1. First question: do totems work with any other weapon than fist? I suppose not but I have to ask.

    Second question: does anyone make any archer pve group? How do you level them up 48-6x? Dont tell me all archers keep doing RBs and solo all the time, is it totaly not worth it to go in a group like 2-3archs+pp+bd to DV or any other xp mobs spot?

  2. Agression works on mobs despite their level. It isnt a problem and never was to pull a train with any character - just use OL to root them at the end. It is another story when you want to do a raid, sws/bd will have a problem to keep agro. 

    In every chronicle since ever tank wasnt necessary to do trains, deal with it.

    inb4 I am playing tank myself. 


    Also it will prevent big ally from running between castles each 2 min: bad idea , L2 its not only pvp, its also abaut fast regroup and fight and defens two or more castles. so if change this in future other ally will take dion, someone gludio and that all. nobody from this ally will fight other castle, cose thay will not wana spend so much  time to run other castle, cose all wana defens self, and in 2+ months nobody will fight in sieges just stay this 2h time in self castle . GG

    ​rofl, you never played on server with factor clans did you?