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Posts posted by EtoRazEtoDva

  1. On 7 марта 2017 г. at 2:48 AM, VeganViking said:

    Literally minutes after I made this thread, we got trolled by some other guy, the same way and this random dude PM's me this. 

    It's like the saying you know, playing chess with a god damn pigeon. 


    As I. Can see you have a lot of time spending for you live journal here.... Grow up and smash your enemies . Stop crying dude it's L2.

  2. 4 hours ago, kktnxbye said:

    Actually l2 was always this way. There were PK clans who cleared noob locs 10times a day. There were a rat clans who stun under mobs, who insult u and make u PK them (and after some high lvl chars are logged) and etc.

    Now you have tens of locs for exp, protection buff till 40 for 2hours, pk clearing even without quest. You have D grade free armor which cannot be dropped.

    U complaining that the easiest place for aoe is trolled - so try some other locs! U can make duo (tank+mage) and do aoe on x1 mobs. 

    Also u can make room with ask high lvl to help.

    Do you think that later game will be easier? I have a bad news for you...

    Now this cancer using my words when before he said PROPOGANDA ONLY PERKUNAS PK LOWBIES


  3. 5 hours ago, kktnxbye said:

    Omg, dont you realize that Vigi ppl come to abg to defend their low lvls from 70+ ganks and thats doesnt mean they are ready to honest 9on9? 90% of cases i see Soil in half of the party or even less in ABG. Purpose of them not to make fun for you but defend ally's low lvls farm. Episode you pointed out (as i remember) was already explaned - that was not honor cp.

    There is only one way to proove balls - have usual gvg in colleseum for several times. It always been this way, dunno why all this implications.

    NWM, you can continue to pr your balls, but almost every evening i see them smashed in abg.

    This evening you smash only ur asses , as yestarday and day befor it... Oh dear cancer ...

  4. 10 hours ago, Myrtan said:

    You must be blind or utterly retarded. Players that are pked by us are WARS no matter if we see wartag or no. We not pking randoms like anathema, whos excuse is always when we ask answer is always "ally policy" Are u idiot rly that hypocrite? Wild at Heart never pk without reason. But we remember people who started with us and simply we pay back. You must have really hard life bcs all you do on this forum is QQ about Dark Legion who kicked ur asses so hard so you have been forced to kiss th3mage's butt for alliance. 

    Are you this Murciu glad who's catching 5k in face ? No sorry I am not talking to nonames, buy buy. Recruit more pussies and stay wild at Zerg... Last 3 hours in abg seems like you smash us hard... Uahaahahah ... Damn this cancers ..

  5. 22 minutes ago, kktnxbye said:


    Anybody belives this propaganda?

    I was always thinking it's vigi side who defend abg. Exactly from TMD\Percs\Anathema\Fun\ES\HWRNG 70+ parties with ppl who farm there (its 90% of 60-66). Only ppl who farm there from enemy is Syndicate and some China guys (who got surely PKed with our side parties but it's usually same lvls). Dunno why u pointing out to PKing enemies or PR\bsoe. it's absolutly normal to PR\bsoe if u cannot continue to fight, btw your side use it even regulary in ABG (cause your 70+ppl have more to loose and always have live ee, not box on the farm).

    Btw cancer, you didn't quote the main point of the message "pk-is ok" because it's not a cheat it's not a bug.. It's part of the game. At GK guys pay to not to be PKed:) and stay farm so what are you even talking about, pussy?

  6. 12 minutes ago, kktnxbye said:


    Anybody belives this propaganda?

    I was always thinking it's vigi side who defend abg. Exactly from TMD\Percs\Anathema\Fun\ES\HWRNG 70+ parties with ppl who farm there (its 90% of 60-66). Only ppl who farm there from enemy is Syndicate and some China guys (who got surely PKed with our side parties but it's usually same lvls). Dunno why u pointing out to PKing enemies or PR\bsoe. it's absolutly normal to PR\bsoe if u cannot continue to fight, btw your side use it even regulary in ABG (cause your 70+ppl have more to loose and always have live ee, not box on the farm).

    Said guys who has 2+ EE in parties , and one out of clan to force us to pk it :D

    For u retard especially: the only clan who is not in your wartag Zerg is "jungle" other guys "angelirektelly", "WildatZerg", "pride", "absolute"and so on and so on ... Are direct wars dude... And when last time you saw 70 ppl from our ally in ABG???????????? 

  7. 11 hours ago, Isoroku said:


    Do you want to make some money? Or maybe you just want to save money for better weapon? Start SSD trading or just buy SSD cheaper!

    AmberGold Company is selling  packages of atleast 50k SSD for 10a each. You can sell them for 11a each! You can earn no less than 50k on each package! Or even 100k! Or you just saved that money, because you bought SSD for 10a, not 11a!

    Mail to AmberGold, write how many SSD you want and wait for your SSD with paymant request!


    AmberGold Company -  Only best cash and products for our customers!

    Maybe cooperate and make SSC market as well?

  8. On 4 марта 2017 г. at 7:42 PM, Rizos said:

    The best part is that ur convinced that you are good player and did good movie :D. I thought ur so self confident to post such trash, but i found out that u rly believe you are good and wining 5v2 is big achievement for you so you put it into movie :D

    I miss Rizo our old fight in BS/sos even w/o buffs rekting ppl higher lvl then we were :D I hope you will make another good PR movie to show this retarded monkey how to play archer class.

    /Juan you will be in our heart forever <333

  9. 8 minutes ago, BlackJack said:

    the world is doomed if that individual is older than 14

    Btw finally I watched this video and I think I am done for today, don't want to log in today maybe. Don't realize what this video about and what is this target practice?? Shoot on run targets ? Gg.

    PS. Good fights yesterday in ABG keep on rekting this Zerg :) hope will do it every day ;) ty for help.

    • Like 1

  10. 7 hours ago, SOiL said:

    Wts jewells

    Btw this guy---- plz pay attention , this little noob and his friend pizdolaz.. Were ganking EV and got smashed by lowbies+some high lvls.. And for sure this noob wrote directly at forum "i will pk this lowbies in EV" so what we are talking about???

    this so called honor CP is just bunch of bullsh1t which can only hue hue at forum nothing else. HF

    PS: PK- is part of game

    you are low lvl and got PKed? It's normal it's part of the game.

    if you don't want to be PKed go play WoW or some other MMORPG... 

    I am not protecting this guys or blame another , but you all guys did it do it and will do it... SO STOP arguing like 1 side is kitties another is hard retarded demons terrorists. 

    Gl hf.

    • Like 1

  11. 14 hours ago, Koukou said:

    If you speak for stiba is the biggest noob in the server.... do bullying on low lvl chars because he cant manage any area except talking island or sometimes "if he dont do restart seal of silen"... But this clan bro is very toxic with  0 iq nothing special continue your game and ignore them... @Stiba007 i want your comment litttle retard

    Hm... Bro I know that you your brain is kinda hard dmged, but to be honest both sides doing it... Last week I spend 6 hours/day with our party/mix party to defend ABG from cancers who are PKing lowbies..Some retards like (Light, lovePVE, songmaster, all this noobs from WildatZerg.. Who pr/bsoe from high lvl guys or try to Zerg us 5pts vs1 and can kill only 55-60lvls, so plz stop trash talk here, best regards monkey police.

  12. 2 hours ago, Legiana said:

    Thats because war PR/Bsoe before even fight starts and in most fights we are being ganged and win.
    But none of you comments the beating your ally recieves in fair fights or sometimes when we are outnumbered and win.
    I am hunting whole CPs and kill members while I am alone and thats what makes me more threat than whole CP of yours that PRs in every pvp.

    Never saw you on battlefield maybe you will call your strong CP 9v9 some other cp and show how they PR from u? Oh w8 :( darkpussy ally bsoe again!!! Follow your bsoe Jesus Juan!!

  13. 2 minutes ago, alancano said:

    Hi bro, first this isn't my main char so, i tried did my best. I am aware that I do not have enough experience with this class, 

    by the way... i amn't like most of  players doing  focus on F1 F2, i like play F3 F4 F5 F6, numbers and keyboard lyrics but i didnt have enough time to set that.

    Thanks for the comment, i really appreciate everything that helps to improve my gameplay....In the future, I will feed this forum with OL PoV

    GL HF Mate btw Divine Power and Restore Life must be at the bar as well :D


    On 28.02.2017 at 2:35 PM, alancano said:


    I am really happy to see here some healer POV , as modoy said this BP at least knows that he has MBF, but about what he was doing ... 

    Man you are playing in archer CP why you are using GGH when your PT lost around 10% hp.. Every time, it's waste of mp.. But when your ppl really need heal you are OOM, then you put scrolls cancel sleep on button 2 and put off Mass heal.. Then when you realize it's useful cause of low cost you put it back from panel,lol, when 60% of slots for skills is free... Can't really understand , and BOA at F1.

    About haters... POVs aré mostly about player skill/his pt skill... Aje first of all you must look at his gamestyle.. What is he doing his positioning skills which player is using in different situation, but for no obs it doesn't matter, you are looking mostly on who rekt whom. Nice. Keep on healing mate


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  15. 36 minutes ago, SOiL said:

    Zero problem, but when woman leading + men without balls here comes the problem, you didn't read the whole thing.

    Women(I think it's better to call it little girl)-Rekted Demon

    Man w/o balls - Soil 

    everyhing is ok? I think yes.