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Posts posted by Zurek

  1. 13 minutes ago, Stiba007 said:

    1. Nice CS, nice mass pvps, GF All

    2.Dont make this topic anymore, everyone know than u r dirty boters, u were/u r / u will. Ban on your cp.

    3.Nevil stop play here before 13 days, so boter us u, dont talk about him anymore. He was fair player, u r only common trickster.

    4. 210vs160 and mass pvp were rly good, god help u when we will have same numbers. :D


    Np man, if i get ban i can always pay for unban, is just 5€ or worst case scenario bot 24/7 for a month and be again at 74.


    Enjoy wasting ur life farming HAHAHAHAHA

  2. This happens due to stupid, yes - not bad or unthoughtful politics, but simply stupid politics of LLGHT.

    Even Daenerys Targaryen understood the importance of allies and proper structural organizations. 

    No love to apocalypse, all possible talks about ally are closed indefinitely.

    This should be an example to all the const parties that think "we can do it ourselves".

    PS: finding excuse in PK system, again is simply stupid.

    ​politics of LLGHT ? :D its a joke?

    I cnow English and because of it Im inside discussions and i speak with players in some situations. All want chill, all want come and rest in game :D . no one want take speaking skills. And all don't like speaker, and all problem in speaker now :D . If you want make ally with my guys , you need speak with them, im tired now. Now i come chill and rest in game xD . I take NoLimit EMOmode now ( old players cnow what i mean) :P



    DopeSensei said : I dont play games to relax

    I play games to make people cry

    Hahahaha ! My Orc ?

    DopeSensei killed my wife and raped my dog

    • Improve frenzy and zealot skills
    • Add provisionable clan halls
    • Implement fortress sieges

    • Improve frenzy and zealot skills - more info please.

    ​Increase the bonuses to a point where they are really noticeable, but not to a point where is retarded (like in interlude), for example:

    Frenzy lvl 3 was like this in older chronicles:

    With Sword, Polearm or Blunt: P.Atk. +246.38%
    With 2hs/2hb: Accuracy +6, P.Atk. +301.95%
    With other weapon: P.Atk. +50%

    In classic max lvl was like this:

    For 60 seconds, P. Atk. + 14%, Atk. Spd. + 20%, P. Critical Rate + 14, P. Critical Damage + 14%, and Spd. + 14. Additional Accuracy 8 and P. Atk. + 10% when using a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt weapon, or spear. Available when HP is 60% or lower.

    You could make it like this (just an example to see where im going)

    For 90 seconds,

    If HP is higher than 60%:

    P. Atk. + 80%, Atk. Spd. + 5%, P. Critical Rate + 10, P. Critical Damage + 10%, and Spd. + 4 when using a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt weapon, or spear.

    If HP is lower than 60% but higher than 30%:

    P. Atk. + 140%, Atk. Spd. + 7%, P. Critical Rate + 10, P. Critical Damage + 10%, and Spd. + 6 when using a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt weapon, or spear.

    If HP is lower than 30%:

    P. Atk. + 190%, Atk. Spd. + 8%, P. Critical Rate + 10, P. Critical Damage + 10%, and Spd. + 7 when using a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt weapon, or spear.

    • Like 1

  3. 1) Cloak of Light and Cloak of Darkness.


    This was added for castle lords of giran and aden. We do not understand why only for this 2 castles and if we add them it will be for all castles.

    Basiclly the clan who owns a castle can get this cloaks from castle to use them. Cloaks has some small stats (max cp/hp/mp. some defense stats and reflect dmg) but we are more worried about the visual part since it might look more "flashy" then what we like to see.

    Yes. If you dont like cloaks you can just disable them in options settings.

    2) Daily reward system.


    We were thinking about some kind of daily reward system when player every day when he logs (with 24h interval ofc) can claim some box containing some sort of consumables such as soulshots or even some special coins they can use later to buy some consumables or something around this. Nothing too big but a little something to keep ppl more interested on logging everyday. All these items would be not tradable ofc to avoid ppl logging over 9000 chars and get everything on main char.

    Better add it for votes instead of logging in.

    3) Macro icon showing the skill icon instead.

    NCSoft made some changes on macros icons and this one might be interesting or not depending on how ppl sees it. So basically the idea is when you have a macro lets say /useskillforce Tribunal, instead of it showing the normal macro icon, it will show the skill icon but still work as a macro. This will not work if theres many skills on the macro but if theres only 1 skill or few skills it should show the first skill on the macro. We think it might be a coolish feature, not sure if totally necessary and some ppl might prefer to thave their stuff hidden when making videos and such so lets us know what u think about.

    Yes indeed.

    4) PVP zone events.

    So... NCSoft made in this update some kind of pvp zone events which are quite confusing and unappealing and happen on Tuesdays (oO).

    It got us thinking. On something similar but with different dates and different ways to work.

    What we have in mind would be something like on the weekend when theres no siege, a zone like TOI or LOA would become a PVP zone for couple of hours, and special monsters would spawn instead or a special boss with good drops so ppl would be able to finght for it like on siege, but instead of fighting for the castle they would be fighting to assure the boss/monsters control and later the boss/monsters loot.

    Nice idea, it adds more action in the server.

    5) CP Potions on grocery.


    On offical CP Potions were added to grocery shop. We dont rly know what to do with it. Tho its a good idea to remove some money from game and it also opens possibility that everyone will have access to them, we are not sure if we want to add them or not.

    Theres a couple of good points of having this:

    • Everyone would have access to them so pvps would prolly last a little longer.
    • They are heavy so no one would have big advantage out of this just by having lot of money cuz either way they wont be able to carry many of them in most of classes.
    • By natural stats fighter classes will be able to carry some more then mages giving then the chance to have some extra tankiness while getting in the fight.
    • It will help removing some adena from game.
    • etc...

    No, add elixirs instead and for a high price if you want to remove some adena from the game.


  4. Hola a tod@s.


    Soy nuevo por estos lares, me hecho un daguero humano, siempre he jugado a otros juegos donde este tipo de pj eran del tipo cuero, ligth etc, pero me extraño mucho a ver pj dagueros con heavy y escudos, ¿ alguien me puede explicar el porque de esto? me he perdido algo o no he leído bien los roles de este tipo de pj? ¿hay alguna ventaja en esto?

    Gracias por adelantado por vuestras respuestas.

    Nos vemos "in game"


    En GoD y posteriores debido a que se doblaron los stats (str, dex...) se tuvo que cambiar la formula de evasión, nerfeandola y además incrementaron el acc de los mobs, teniendo en cuenta que en classic no se tienen stats dobles, a lvl similar es casi imposible esquivar un ataque de un mob.

    Además en classic ningún pj usa autoattacks en pvp, por lo que la evasión es completamente inútil y por lo tanto, RS mejor usar heavy y escudo.

  5. Just make that u can get some kind of coll aghations, like bat ones or something. 2 months of voting some really cool rare aghation. Still i havent seen BAT aghation from 1.0 start. There was summoner nick name Leisath or Leistath. She left, and havent seen one for ages. Same with rudoplh aghation. 


    WE WANT TO SEE VOTERS ! and epsecially i want bat aghation.

    Welp, getting gayathions still better than nothing, but dont be surprised that even with so ppl will jump with "that is not classic" or "that will destroy the server econony" xddd


    The idea is to encourage ppl to vote, thing that ppl dont do unless there is some kind of "tangible" reward, believe it or not.

  6. Hi

    Opening this to suggest some kind of vote reward, for example for every vote turned in u get 1 vote coin which u can exchange for something that helps you, not useless hats and gayathions.

    For example lets say u can get 2 vote coins a day:

    3 vote coins consumable ítem to boost xp/sp gain by 25% for 1h, effect doesnt dissapear upon dead

    4 vote coins same but by 35%

    8 vote coins 1 bress

    18 vote coins 1 ewc

    30 vote coins 1 ewb

    And so on

    If the reward is toó little the ppl will pass on botting, if its toó much ppl will cry in forum like crazy feminists

    Hope u have a bad day

    ​lol :D go play IT with 8k online (7k bots :D ) and vote 100000000 vote coins :D 


  7. U prefer to play 200 online server or 2k online server? If u do prefer 2k online - move ur ass and keep voting - 2k online is ur reward. Dont except items for 2s clicking.

    ​Very good but welcome to the real world, 95% of ppl wont vote shit unless they get something.

  8. Hi

    Opening this to suggest some kind of vote reward, for example for every vote turned in u get 1 vote coin which u can exchange for something that helps you, not useless hats and gayathions.

    For example lets say u can get 2 vote coins a day:

    3 vote coins consumable ítem to boost xp/sp gain by 25% for 1h, effect doesnt dissapear upon dead

    4 vote coins same but by 35%

    8 vote coins 1 bress

    18 vote coins 1 ewc

    30 vote coins 1 ewb

    And so on

    If the reward is toó little the ppl will pass on botting, if its toó much ppl will cry in forum like crazy feminists

    Hope u have a bad day

    • Like 1

  9. you guys crack me up xD 

    for about 4 months ppl was complaining cuz we should make a free shoping zone some where accessible to everyone and out of town bla bla... now you guys want to move everything back to towns again xD

    Users complaining just for the sake of it, that is classic. Ahhhh, the l2 nostalgia...

  10. I dont buy PA because its so expansive.

    Yestarday I saw some archer in Seal Shillen cemitery, with PP, BD, SWS full box.. I dont think he pays for 3 PAs, surelly its some program bot or something like that, but he was active on, ...

    If I discover how to do that, i will tray to do it too, bcuz 10kk for PA its really to much expansive for me.

    ​yes illegal software usage most likely.

    Is easy to do that with macros, you Cant use ilegal programs on this server because you get insta banned by the smartguard