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About Tealc

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 07/26/1988

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  1. As title says, I want to sell or WTT, Sword of Revolution for Cursed Maingauche PM/E-mail Tealc in game
  2. When do you think the next restart will be?
  3. Hi guys, I'm trying to change the clan leader, basically to delegate some one else from the clan. Made the request about a week ago, it's telling me that the clan leader will be changed every Tuesday but it seems it's not working. I need your help here. Thank you!
  4. true or at least all the bugs that you have encountered I did also and are annoying
  5. Tealc


    da-mi pm cu ts info sau skype sa putem vb, merci
  6. sa trimiti te rog detaliile de TS sau skype ID sa putem sa ne organizam, merci
  7. maybe ask for help from some ru guys that know pretty well english and they can start translating
  8. You will open the serv with HTML's files in RU? Or only after most of them are translated, at least all npc and quest from te begginer towns and low lvl's - gludin / gludio
  9. si asta e adevarat....dar nici classic 1.0 3x nici macar 1x din il nu e :))
  10. It's just open beta guys, chill....and it will be for at least 2 weeks
  11. cred ca iti trebuie 4-6 luni sa ajungi lvl 57/58 daca intr-un an pe Korea abia au facut lvl 57 sau 58 si cateva arme de b si armuri iti dai seama....