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  1. Top leaders got burned not once by the " we are neutral " kind of approach. If you think you will compete for 60+ spots w/o an Alliance, you are wrong. If you believe that dropping some items hurts us, you are wrong again. All sides will harass you until you submit because there is no more trust in this " we get to 70 and join you". ​Wrong... i'm almost 70 leveling only in only AB and guess who is the only side that comes and PK the whole party just cuz one of the players is war tag? wickedsick alliance... the other ones actually communicate and say " *player name* is war tag, don't party with them"... there are something in this game that is called "politics and player relations". if u want loyal clan members u wont make it by "harassing them and pking them ". sure u can get ppl to join ur clan / ally by just bullying them, but guest what? once they get to a comfortable level they will leave ur clan / ally hanging dry and join ur enemies. Unless most players in this game are masochists and prefer to be oppressed by a few higher levels. and don't be so butthurt... the dude pked a whole party of ppl without tags / wars with him and decided to be a bad ass.. he paid the price.. be it a SOE or a lvl 3 epic jewel. as for the last sentence of your post, i've have joined a clan that did not harass me with " "join us or u wont level" crap.... GG
  2. Karma is a b**ch.. that's what those high levels get for coming into AB to mess with ppl without tags / clans / wars trying to level and play the game... they don't just come and pk the war tags on your party. they don't care. they pk the whole party and tell you "u either join us or u wont level here"... well, keep telling yourself that.. GG and im glad to see justice being served in this case, regardless of what side of the server does the justice.. "what goes around comes around"
  3. Capslocks


    ​Can you PM me please with ticket IDs you created to G2A, we will talk with them from our side. ​i didn't create any tickets ID...i used the live chat function.. im TOTALLY done with G2A.. how can they bypass paypal and take funds directly from my bank account ON A FAILED TRANSACTION is beyond me. that is super shady way to manage a customer's funds.. im done with them.. if i ever need a service from the server, i will have to find other methods to get them done since paypal / direct CC payment is not an option. you should seriously consider adding paypal as payment.. G2A is super unreliable and shady..
  4. Capslocks


    i had to call my bank and paypal to stop all payments done to G2A... i have over $175 dollars stuck between G2A and my bank since every time i tried to donate with G2A, it gives me a "transaction failed" and bypasses paypal and takes the money DIRECTLY from my bank account... i contacted G2A's customer support and they cant help at all.. all they do is copy/paste responses when u talk to them. i've have closed my G2A account and cant donate anymore since its the only method to buy COL's without using one of those "3rd party website" which me and my CP refuses to use... you guys need to add direct paypal, credit card or other reliable form to donate to the server.. u are missing thousands of dollars in donations from players.
  5. Hola Por ahora soy Human Oracle lvl 21 y empeze ayer... es bien dificil los primeros levels, No-grade gear y aparentemente la gente no usa !Shout en chat para encontrar parties o duos... Saludos
  6. Hola a todos! recientemente empeze a jugar en el server y estoy buscando clan... estoy en el discord del servidor. no jugaba L2 desde interlude official muchos años atras, asi que estoy un poco "rusty"... my nombre online es CapslocksPP y en discord es Capslocks... saludos!
  7. Bump... lvl 20 cleric and struggling hardcore...
  8. +1 to this... really.. thats why ppl cant have nice things... this world i tell u...
  9. New player looking for an english or spanish clan with voice comms (optional, i hate typing ) and active... I'm a prophet main ( well, not quite "prophet" but working on it ). I haven't played L2 since wayyyy back in interlude official so i'm kinda lost sometimes but i'm managing to figure things out. Eventually will get premium and make my REAL main toon, but we all know that leveling without buffs, broke and alone sucks. I can be reached in game or in the server's discord: IGN: CapslocksPP Discord: Capslocks Thanks fellas.. hope to hear from someone soon!