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Posts posted by Baluu

  1. 2 hours ago, BlackJack said:

    speaking of stress, you are the ones that were haunted by less than 5 ppl playing on another side after returning to the server, to the point where you had to resort to such honourless actions.

    I dont know who you are talking about i already talked about it, i regret what happend but im glad it did 1st cause no one lost anything, 2nd thkx to rizo its harder to scam people since rules got updated.

    Not going to argue with someone with a mouth bigger then his head that points fingers to whoever you wish would have done it just to make that person/CP look bad. 

    If you want to blame me, blame me for our dear orfen lost in LoA, guess you never got over it. ?

    But im trully sorry dajtovillage that i ruined your solo farm in heart back then. Please forgive me. ?

  2. This are fraps from May. Not so long ago, in middle of May i took a break thats why no new fraps. Cause of break i went to side clan to give room to active people. In meantime full CP took break during summer.

    Im back to active for 2 weeks now, sadly server population droped alot. Hoping when new update will come will be able to make new fraps. 

    Vídeo was done just to show some titan pov cause there where none. 

  3. 1 hour ago, MoDoy said:

    just out of curiosity, do people find ancient stuff from last centuries good?

    not sure as i am destro hater so i dont have much experience, but seems like people are kiting you hard (if you dont spam speed potions like chege), wouldnt be better to switch weapon stun them and then aa-kill?

    As i said the lack of recente stuff has to do with my break i promised someone i would do the pov so here it is. I think its decent enough for people to see a titan in action. 


    Thats exactly what happends, most of the times. Sometimes i run for hit and even close to target he doesnt hit he just runs after have to improve to run in front and then hit defently. (good point.) 


    9 minutes ago, Rizos said:

    Better o play destro on arche rmode :D

    As you can see in loa pvp its the very best option i have since i dont have any range skill. Better hit for 4k then die in middle of enemys. 

  4. As people know i was on break for last few months but before i was able to record some good stuff with titan hope you enjoy. (sorry if its bad but was my 1st try any tips are welcome. ^_^)

    Have Fun.


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  5. 27 minutes ago, MoDoy said:

    sure it was rizos mistake, that doesnt make your act rightful, thats not how it works :D

    you tell us, is there anything better to do in EU prime?

    Farm toi make adena buy epics? ? Isn't it enough? 

  6. 11 minutes ago, Rizos said:

    Yea and words of scammer rat like you are very trustworth info

    Keep blaming other people for your own mistake. Have nothing more to say and you can harrass me as much as you can. Cause i guess there is nothing better to do during eu prime right? ?

  7. 20 minutes ago, MoDoy said:

    core/orfen/baium ring/talisman? sure it might work that way, i never said he is full epics all the time. AQ3? no way, very hard to believe that your only dagger which could potentially go for hero goes olympiad and you dont give him even AQ because some tard says its "occupied" :D

    i just mentioned that he is stacked on fights on video when everybody said how unstacked he was, also him having AQ3 might seem like nothing, but its already insane boost compared to "random dagger"

    Well pose is not the exact example os activity so if the "tard" says its occupied it means it is. But if he really wants to make oly matches he does them even withouth AQ3. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, driver said:

    i know, i saw that in vid there was core on panel and tali was seen. ask who everybody in clan when pose gets full epics or at least aq 3lvl at oly. 

    The answer to that is easy. Whenever its free and he plays. Ofc if he plays Last weeks normally they always occupied doesnt mean he doesnt get it sometimes. 

  9. 1 minute ago, driver said:

    i know, because he tells me all the time that he doesnt get epics, and how cool it will be to have them at oly. i dont have to think about it, i know it.


    Most of times thats what happend driver, but ofc in this case he has full epic set+baium tali. Again in this vídeo those fight that modoy talked about are not big deal but winning with a dagger against a fully stacked necro is totally worth play style>gear. Ofc we are talking about China....

  10. On 8/27/2018 at 12:58 PM, BlackJack said:

    Portugal ended the war on drugs and it did wonders for them, just look how well Balu turned out to be. Can we actually go back to trolling, cuze serious geopolitical discussions are kinda boring, although i guess they still bring plenty of drama.

    Next time maybe Balu should share conversation that he had in TS a year ago with your so called friends... Get real, get a life and get mad to who you should and be thankfull that i don't even care. But maybe i helped you more then you think. ?

    Be in peace daj and go rage somewhere else.

    • Thanks 1

  11. 1 minute ago, MoDoy said:

    more like how unlucky he was that you had THIS one  you can say whatever you want so you can feel that you didnt do anything or anything wrong to not feel guilty about it, but you know where reality is

    So who really scammed yomana? me aswell? are you checking logs? ?

  12. 10 minutes ago, BlackJack said:

    wthatever thats supposed to mean, rly rock bottom dude, always thought nice of you but i guess even i am wrong sometimes.

    Really daj, whatever reason you have to blame me for, just keep it to yourself you don't have a clue who you are talking about.

  13. 2 minutes ago, MoDoy said:

    Rizos changed password several times.

    The info from logs, for more than half year only me and rizos was logging the character.

    How lucky i was to have that one...

    Did you really, cause i doubt it. If you had, more logs would have appeared 100%. Open new ticket and tell Admins to look better. No one complained back then why now?


  14. 1 minute ago, Yomana said:

    It was not the same and ofc i dont believe you scammed me , anyway ticket will reveal.

    I wish the best of lucks, on gaining whatever was lost. But realy like i said i didnt do anything and there you have your proof still you blame Balu for it. ?

  15. 1 minute ago, Yomana said:

    Do you know whats funny balu? That my acc also got scammed :)....

    If i could i would share with you info i had, but i really doubt it was the same i had. Guess it's perfect but just because my log showed up in Rizo's account it's my fault also? maybe its more a inside problem then you think.

  16. 11 minutes ago, MoDoy said:

    i will comment about second part, i dare you to show how rizos gives you his account, as far as i know, biz got his account coz our cp was borrowing his orfen so he could take it back anytime, just because biz shared it so you could powerlevel your own party as you didnt have your own PR doesnt mean that rizos shared his account to you or poseidon or to anyone else.

    i heard how cool of a guy you were, it was hilarious to see all these people sadly looking on fact what you did, especially to yomana, but hey, people are assholes, thats nothing new for me, just others were surprised

    What you say is also true, but what i say is not a lie. And if i remember well back then daj was more often using orfen. And we always traded online never needed his account. Ofc same as triville, and other PR's account we had access just because people where to lazy to do it themselfes and Rizo was one of them.

    You are free to believe in whatever you want @MoDoy, we live in a free world but maybe if it was a suprise for so many maybe its not a lie.

    About your dare, well that's the kind of person i am cause if i shared it maybe you didn't had your items back. Now server should be happy rules are updated thank's to me, rizo and whoever did this.

    Hope Rizo learned the lesson and will be more carefull from now own.