In the last few days (as I stated in one of my previous topics) I'm in the dilemma of whether to start playing here or not. I wouldnt play anywhere else except here or official classic by Innova, but it makes me so happy checking twitch and seeing 3+ people streaming the best l2 experience on talking island x3. Congrats to the ones responsible for this project. And remember, doesnt matter nowadays if a project goes Up and down considering the online activity. What matters most, is the fact that the devs shouldnt quit and just keep finding ways to make this server survive. That's the keyword I guess in L2classic! Make it survive and everyday more and more people will find out about it. p.s: Your marketing strategy guys is awesome, all those ads on facebook. starting help for new players etc, congrats. p.s2: I asked in my previous topic but got no answer. Is the project team known to the L2-community, and if yes who are they? I bet you guys aint randoms Greetings!