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  1. Hello my friends some nice and smart dudes and girls , some idiots and kids... Because this is :General Discussion section" I apologise in advance if I'll break any rule of the forum. All ideas thoughts gonna be written just for the welfare of this server. As you know some people left for another classic server x3 "Melcosoft" Some to try x3 rates , some impatient people wished to play on classic instead of testing. Ofc ATM you can play OBTS with much higher rates count adena rate 100*3/100 to verify almost accurate adena drop and stuff but still x3 gameplay is completely different. I've played there and left at 42 lvl (was rly tired of bugs/some russian fascists and language barrier) but still had some x3 experience. I started this topic because saw some people just haters , others very emotional with lots of critics and sharing their thoughts without any positive suggestions for this server. 1. For those whom are saying : "THIS IS CLASSIC" should learn that this server having just "Classic Chronicle files and Mechanics of this game" But whole game is not classic. a) Pure classic is Korean/RU - if you want classic go P2P there's a forum where you can buy Promo Codes Via paypal and pass payments barrier in order to play in 4game Ru(Innova) b) I played in Shilen server myself and all rates were 0.7x . With such as rates you can deal all quests x1 rates w/o complains because It brings prosperity for a character. c) People are so poor and desperate for adena that were running bots all over the server and ~40% population were bots. (You could see for 1month + same bots same places hitting same monsters... d) Because of such a huge demand of adena and so little gear there were griefers (Spoils that were stunning players whilst killing monsters just to die from them and drop their own gear) , (healers healing monsters/buffing them and etc.) This is a classic you are talking about , if you wish classical pure hardcore experience go play there. 2. This server will provide a lot of different experience for all players... Lets talk about it. (Most of success will come from this server's management). a) All rates are x3... so... if you played on Russian 4game you will feel game 4x easier... = More levels in shorter time... And like in general rule you won't be richer than a player at same level in pure classic. Still players will use soulshots here often and by that they will save much less. b) Bot prevention - Good Idea and I just hope that this feature will be working 100% efficient. But also this will cause less flow of adenas in open market = more players will be poor c) Goal to make people to do partying more often - a good cause to keep people more social and by that I just Hope that community service in game will also be working and effective. But this cause should have it's advantages. [a] Okay If monsters in dungeons are tough and 1-2 players+box buffer is not enough to grind there. But will it be also rewarding??? To encourage people creating parties and stuff? At this moment it makes no sense. Why I need party if I can alone kill monsters in other places and gain better adena/xp. [Maybe xp sharing system should be a bit more encouraging?] Since rates are x3 I can play solo and collect materials/adena/gear myself adena drop is not that miagre. [c] Dungeon type quest rate could be slightly increased. Why? For people to at least start doing them of course. Dungeon quest : analysis :Кристаллы_Огня_и_Льда As you can see Description It rewards people with 15 Adena each! . on rates x0.7 It means something Because monster there x2 Hp gives EVEN 24-44 adena! ​ Monsters are almost impossible to kill alone with such a circumstances and getting 15a /each means something. This server is x3 rates = 4x better than (Innova adena drop) But reward is 2x... sooo ? How It might encourage people do quests? Where each player gets 4 adena per monster and 15 adena per q item , and where player gets 16 adena and 30 adena per q item... (Many farmers won't even waste their time with this quest) I would advice to give 45 or 60a per q item of this quest. So more players would co-op. Another quest :Осколки_Руды_Души 200q items in hardcore dungeon for 3k (here 6k adena) 8 players in party... so lets say each monster drops (64-112 adena) Let's say the each of monster gives q item here. So... If you go in party like this. Each player will get : (64+112) /2 = 88 adena (If solo) If 100% adena drop rate Lets make it 70% so... 88*0.7= ~62 adena. 200 monsters = (200x62) = 12.400 adena. (If full party 9ppl) 12.400/9 = 1377 adena. Reward = 3000 adena. So yeah you earn something. In this server it would be something like... 5508 adena farmed in full party reward 6000 adena. Don't forget 200 Quest items. This might cause psychological impact for some of the players. I Advice to increase this quest rate at least to x3 or even x5. Why? I think It's an obvious thing. I could run this quest like 3x day with farming in full party for 8+ hours and get (~16k adena + 27-45k from quest) + materials. This is x3 experience. And lol you haters stop crying that it must be hardcore. This is not a hardcore server but might become one with inadequate Quest rewards system. Ofc If Russians would have x1.4 rates and x2 quest rewars I wouldn't say a thing. (Just looking for alternatives to encourage people to join parties which could be rewarding by a bit).Предсказание_будущего Quest reward 500 adena (here 1000 adena) I remember in 4game Ru (Shilen Oracle with disturb undead skill ) killing these skeletons to get big 500a reward. Here you won't find a thing! I by get killing (on this server test [Live x3 rates] ) skeletons 20-58 ~ adena each. So... since quest item rate is very low in that time to get 10/10 I kill ~60+ skeletons so... (Tested myself maybe unlucky so... still) . 1200- 3480 Adena since I can earn 1000 adena reward. a) Quest reward drop rate 100% = 10 skeletons = Quest complete. = 120-348 adena for killing them 1000 reward. = Place to farm far far away /no tp/takes lot of time. In same time you can shot bats 2hit and get 32-68 adena. In time i get to kill skeletons I can hunt ~30-40 bats. = (960/1280 -2040-2720 adena) So... tell me why should I go somewhere far away to kill dangerous and social monsters to get less adena and XP. b) Quest reward drop rate remains the same = 10 q items = (Lets stay optimistic and lets say 30 skeletons) waste my time get low adena to get 1000 adena quest reward. Suggestion? I Suggest to "Or leave quest drop rate the same or do ~10-15%" and increase its reward to 2.500-3.500 Adena. Why?? Think of it. Low level Fungus q 600a each. Easy to farm no need party for that you get 600 adena if you collide with "Scent of death" quest (where zombie q item drop could be at least made 30%) people would might do roundabout quests like in old classic. Players would go to School Of Dark arts collect bones run into a village and won't be afraid to buy scroll of escape which would cost 1/2 current reward. This is just one of the tools to reward people by doing parties. Reminder : This topic is not for just haters and imbeciles. Please people share your visions of this server how might or should it look and stuff. Another thing : Let's say I'm a spoiler or Rogue. Path to success where should I start farming , why , how to save adena and stuff to get Top D gr items. Your thoughts , experience farming place and etc. May this topic become a guide for a new players , teacher for casual players that doesn't know some of tips and tricks. And maybe it would help to think , share ideas that could encourage people or make them WANT to go in parties. That administration even consider to make in this server on live. p.s. Again haters and criers please don't ruin this quest especially with phrases like : "THIS IS CLASSIC" Again : This is not classic , you want classic experience go play KR or Innova official.