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Found 1 result

  1. Hi, I don't have much experience with lineage 2, and I was wondering if some of you could help me out with some questions I have, and give me some advice : I just got to level 20 and transfered to a paulus knight, and now I want to start leveling to a blade dancer - I'm still with my falchion 7day weapon and some leather armour, while I was getting to level 20, I got a few lucky drops like 2 cestus' and 2 tunics of devotion, which if I sold to an npc would be 150k, I haven't sold them yet, I can get some D armour from the moon knight quest but I'm still lost about what to do about upgraidng my weapon, and I'm even more concered on where should I level? Should I level solo or in a party? Also I'm looking for a clan that is active and has some low players that I can party with. Thanks in advance.