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Found 2 results

  1. So as we see we dont have signature option on our lovely forum, where we could type small info about us, ingame character, smart Pablo Coelho quote or just pool where we re greeting our amazing administration. My point is to encourage our administration to reconsider adding such option on forum, ofc if its possible, but i believe it is. LF specialist for confirmation. The signature dont have to be big, to be honest it will be good if it can only contain text, no possibility in adding images, so it wont make mess on forum or interrupting smooth research in topic. Also there is voting pool to see if rest of the forum community agrees on such idea, and when it takes positive votes maybe in close future we will have those
  2. just noticed that there's no topic preview whatsoever, so it's currently not possible to see the full document before publishing it. would be nice to have it added. also, enabling forum signatures wouldn't hurt either