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Once Again about stigma book...

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So... Today we can see the drop lists ( perfect thing btw..).

I Checked on that Manashen Gargoules list of drops and i saw that stigma chance is 1/10000 when all others is 1/2000 ... I feel i wasted weeks for nothing ( and i still dont have that book)

Now... On the 1.3 Patch notes you say its 0.01% - 0.05%

Also from a screenshot fron san0 i think i found this

On the l2wiki site the others books say the same %

So... The drop for this book is actually wrong all this time... Can we have it fixed maybe?

I dont know if there is some explanation for this some where in here... Search results didnt come up with somethin about this.


Edit: Shield deflect magic ( from 1.3 patch) has correct chance.... Why you messed up with that freakin stigma book?


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isnt 1/10 000 = 0,01% and 1/2 000 = 0,05%? Isnt it all 0,01% - 0,05% as u said? What do u want? :D

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Well it is correct if you take the lowest and highest % ... Now i know that drops are counted like this, with % - % but on the mobs the rate that is written like this : 1/xxxx clearly explains why this books are so hard to drop... Why should it be with the worst ratio on this book? Now its kinda late probably since all people spend weeks and money for this book so probably noone will change it at this time...Wont be even fair... 

Soon it will be changed to the new mobs if it isnt already so we can get it from the actuall drop and not the custom one.

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