keny93 1 Report post Posted November 23, 2024 **introduction**First of all, unlike the attack/defence assistant healers, Elven Elder, and Silien Elder It is a class that performs a group of main healers in a party, not an auxiliary role, and a group of main healers in a coalition. However, Bishop, the current human healer, has clear limitations in skill composition. Elven Elder, which is focused on defense, has essential buffs related to hunting/pvp, There's** Mass Vitality**, a party hill faster than any other class, and the **Tree of Life** that releases the debuff of the entire party. Buff skills and mass vitals, and high wit levels of 1 tree + elf not only help In certain situations, it is also possible to play a role as a main healer. Silien Elder, who has a strong tendency to attack, is less utilized than Elven Elder, As for paralysis, the current PVP trend, its utilization may increase further in the future. In addition, the utilization of **stigma**, which lowers marten and weapon resistance, cannot be ignored. However, in tk servers with an average leveling of 83 to 84, Cadinal's utilization and defensive/offensive healer Elf/Dark Elf's While there is a clear role, Bishop has very vague boundaries. **point**Bishop now is a de facto abandoned class, except for Balance Life and Clans. The main heel, **Great Battle Hill**, is not much different from Elven Elder, but rather, due to the heel volume critical The amount of heel is lower than that of Elven Elder. **Restore Life**, which fills up your physical strength with percentage, is rarely used because of the visual acceleration. Additionally, since the Clans skill is a single target, all party members are in the "tree of life" skill that unlocks the debuff incomparably compared to Claesson is Bishop's only skill that's so good, but since long ago, the debuff fight is the main focus on pvp rather than damage The skill delay is too long to use for party members until today. But because we know each other so well about the importance of Bishop, the core of the party, we're the most important target in pvp It is also lacking in viability because it is prioritized and removed. It just so happens that a patch to adjust the balance in operation is scheduled, so I suggest it to the forum like this. **in conclusion.**First of all, additional skills are needed regarding Hill, Bishop's identity. I ask Cadinal for **major heal, major group heal** skills. I think it would be better to have a skill level difference with Elven Elder. It's actually a high-five version of Cardinal, not a classic server Heal can't be followed by Elven Elder. Next, I think the delay in** balance life and clans** skills should be reduced even by a second or two compared to now. The** Clans** and **Balance Life** now have too long delays in farm and pvp situations. If skill construction such as** purification field** is not possible, the **skill delay of Clans** should be reduced even a little. Finally, regarding viability, the group version of the **Turnstone** skill in PP and the **block windwalk and block shield** in PP Request addition of ****mass block windwork, mass block shield.** ** I'm not suggesting Bishop should be the best, but as a user who's only played Bishop for about three years It's a suggestion to improve balance and class characteristics, so please check it out. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Nyxis 2 Report post Posted November 23, 2024 well in short would just say '' add major heal skills to cardinal'' whats would be fair- make pvp last longer and give cardinal real advantage over other healers, what is suppose to be Quote Share this post Link to post
keny93 1 Report post Posted December 2, 2024 (edited) Increase in healĀ volume > New skill > Major legal & major group healĀ And a slight decrease in clans delay. Edited December 2, 2024 by keny93 Quote Share this post Link to post