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Notorious - Looking for active CPs, skillz only

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We are looking for active CPs. If you don't have a full CP we are going to build it, that's not a problem. Let us know if you are interested. The main reason to join is that you have to be a skilled player, there's no MERCY here. Also, if interested just msg me ingame or other guys. Thanks!

LTU & ENG speaking.

Ieskome aktyviu CPs. Jeigu ir neturite full cp galesim surinkti zmones ir t.t. Susisiekite su mumis in-game ar per forum jeigu domina.
Tik pagrindine mintis jungtis i si clan tai, kad turit buti skilled geimeris and lineidze ta prasme, kad suprastumet kas kur vyksta. Musu nedomina jeigu verkiat, kad per sunku ar panasiai. Cia nera pasigailejimo, haha. Kalbame lietuviskai, bei angliskai. Pagrinde zinoma pirmenybe LT. Tai tiek ziniu, jei kas msg me. Aciu uz demesi!

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