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NonFactors/TLH Ally Opening Recruitment Solo/CP

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Hello All,

We are beginning to open up our ranks, our goal to build extra constant groups for people to take advantage of best pvp/xp situations. We are opening 2 pet clans to get you guys going. Both have clan halls. We successfully took our first castle last week even while fighting perkunas & their bandwagon

We will be accepting 3 different tiers and putting them in seperate clans accordingly. (to hopefully build some extra cp's)

20+ Clan for the fresh spawns,  we like helping out fresh players!

40+ Your almost there.

50+ Almost pvp ready :)

60's have a chance to be considered for one of the main clans. 

TeamSpeak will be the best way to get to know everyone, parties, etc. Will be implementing a "level range/class" to help cross clan partying via teamspeak.

Pm Waterworks, Adfdraco ingame

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