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Happy 2nd Dion Anniversary!

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Dear players!

Congratulations on your Dion server's 2nd anniversary! This milestone celebrates your dedication, camaraderie, and countless shared adventures over the past two years. Together, you've created not just a thriving game world but a vibrant community filled with unforgettable memories and enduring alliances.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to every player for shaping this incredible journey. Your passion and support have been vital to the server's success. Exciting updates, events, and opportunities are just around the corner, promising even more thrilling adventures. Thank you for being part of this story - here’s to many more milestones ahead!

Find NPC Emmy in every city starting at midnight (UTC+2 time), and get your gifts!
She will stay giving presents till 17.01.2025 maintenance
That goes for both Dion and TI servers!

Plus, don't miss a Discord Giveaway!


Classic Team

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