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Lv45 Necro+Boxed SE lf Clan

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Hey everyone!

As the title says, im looking for a clan. Im started alone on the server a few weeks ago, really dont know anyone so im a bit lonely.

Im looking for an english speaking guild (Ofc doesnt have to be native, my english isnt perfect either) I dont care about how big the clan is nor what level, all i want is a few nice guys to play with. Mostly pve for now, but i dont mind pvp at all.

I dont need gear or anything, im decent at money making, all i want is people to talk/play with.

What im not looking for: Greedy, Rushing HC people who kick for a day inactivity. In the last few weeks there was only one occasion when i didnt play for 2 days, but usually im online every day for 12-14 hrs. The reason im only 45 is cause i lvled a spoil to gear myself. 

Not important, but i let you know anyway; SE isnt boxed, its another PC. So no im aint gonna buy my stuffs with real money, wheres the fun in that?

Thanks for reading!

Edit; Cant use teamspeak etc, i cant 'speak' english, everything i know is by playing mmorpg games so.. just nope. Im Hungarian btw.

Ign; Fakeyou

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