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A couple of "bugs"

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The first "bug" I've come across was related to the herb of progress. In the description it says it's supposed to disappear after 10 minutes, though I've had it for roughly around half an hour and it was still in my inventory and I could use it whenever. 

Second one being when you're doing the "Testimony of Prosperity" quest as a Dwarf, during one of the steps when you need to speak to Maryse Redbonnet she asks for 10 animal skin, but if you have 10, you won't be able to advance the quest as you HAVE to have 100 even though it only takes off 10, so if you go and buy 100 you will end up having 90 at the end of the step. I am not sure whether this is made on purpose or not, I did not really read the dialogue and can't confirm whether it was a game "trick" or something or it was done by accident.


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The first "bug" I've come across was related to the herb of progress. In the description it says it's supposed to disappear after 10 minutes, though I've had it for roughly around half an hour and it was still in my inventory and I could use it whenever. 

​this was reported long time ago, and as far as i remember even admins said its ok to leave it like this, because its restricted to use before 40 lvl, so it cannot be abused on higher lvl characters anyway, but anyway the description in game and on forum should be fixed

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