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Mage cp recruiting

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So, international mage cp 70+ with EU prime time lf bd/sws 65+. Also got a sws if u are interested in driving. Not an exactly standard mage setup. In detail: SK, OL, BP, SE, Necro, Sorc, SPS, WL + slots for BD and sws. Yes, we aim to be 10. What we can offer is, apart from the sws, daily xp (tho we r by no means no lifers), daily pvp, help with gearing and friendly atmosphere. Atm we know each other pretty well and we like each other as much as u can like some1 ingame. I plan not to fuck this up in order to fill a slot. So its more important that u are a decent guy who can cooperate with the rest of us and act like an adult, and activity is secondary. Apart from that u are obviously expected to know how to play ur char and what ur role is. Mail me here, or mail/pm Sayomi ingame.

Edited by Pepon

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Yep, our former SWS sucks hard, need replacement. 

Just addition, playing time: evenings of EU, sometimes even earlier.

Edited by Kure

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